Alex McCumbers

Most people bleed red. Alex bleeds pixels. Hailing from the deep mountains of WV, land of beautiful landscapes and internet scarceness, Alex can be found writing about games in every sense. Retro games are his life, spending more time with his GBA than his PS4. Drop by one of the social doodads for deep discussions about gaming!



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In Win 503 Gaming PC Chassis

In Win's sharp, affordable gaming PC case has some awesome features visually and functionally. Available in White and Red, the case seeks to provide PC builders with the gaming look without breaking the bank. Does the In Win 503 hold a candle to other cases on the market?



Hue Review

Story driven platformer games are all over the place in the independently developed video game market. What seemed to start with Limbo back on the Xbox 360 and such has slowly evolved with various mechanics driving the game. Hue is one of those games, a puzzle filled platformer that plays with color, player perception, and logic patterns. Created by Fiddlesticks, Hue seeks to wow its audience with...[Read More]



Hue is a platformer puzzle game developed by Fiddlesticks in which players will alter the game's world by changing the colors of the background. Save a world devoid of color, one hue at a time.


Pewdiepie’s Twitter Acount Shut Down from Joke

Ah, Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, the master of bad jokes that somehow remain funny and permeate the internet in ways memes can only hope to achieve. The original popular let’s player, Pewdiepie has become a bit of a public figure over the years, becoming one of the most popular channels on Youtube of all time. While Youtube may be his preferred stomping ground, apparently those behind the big ...[Read More]

Allison Road Back in Production

Back in June 2016, the developers of the Kickstarted horror game Allison Road announced the cancellation of the project. Fans everywhere shed tears as Allison Road picked up the hole of want left by P.T., which was going to be Silent Hills. However, Christian Kesler has decided to go forward with working on the game by himself after losing the support of Team17, the company that picked him up duri...[Read More]

Dark Horse is Publishing A New Zelda Art Book

The Legend of Zelda is a franchise that has some amazing artwork behind it. Dark Horse, the publishing house that puts out some awesome comics and the publishers behind the fascinating Hyrule Historia, is putting together another Zelda-related treat for fans.



Pokemon Uranium Review

Pokémon fan games have been around for quite some time, with the first few being for the original Gameboy even. Soon after Pokémon Brown, Rom Hacks popped up in all varieties from the ambitious Liquid Crystal Version, to the downright odd design choices of Moemon. All of these games have the common ground of taking the Pokémon engine or formula and creating a whole new game with it. Pokémon Uraniu...[Read More]



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Pokemon Uranium

Pokemon Uranium is an ambitious fan game created using the RPG Maker engine. Adding 200 new Pokemon, Uranium takes the Pokemon formula and adds a slew of minor changes. Players will explore the two regions, East and West Tandor and come across the mysterious Nuclear type Pokemon.


Pokemon Uranium Download Removed by Creators

After a whopping one and a half million players have already downloaded the fan created game, Pokemon Uranium, it still doesn’t surprise me that the download was removed by the game’s creators. Nintendo has a knack for shutting down the truly impressive fan projects, usually when they are at their peak of popularity, which is strange considering Pokemon Uranium has been in development ...[Read More]

Pokemon Uranium Sees Full Launch

Pokemon is arguably one of the best portable games Nintendo has ever produced. From the sprawling lands of Gold and Silver to the beautiful sprite work in Black and White to the reinventing of the series in X and Y, there is almost always a good reason to pick up a Pokemon game. Even with a ton of official releases, there still remains an itch to catch and battle in between main games. With Sun an...[Read More]

Lego Force Awakens DLC Free for PS4 and PS3

Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens made quite the splash with what could be the perfection of the Lego game formula. In fact, our writer Rob thought it was great in his review! Now that adventure grows as The Phantom Limb DLC is now available with PS3 and PS4 players getting it for free. The Phantom Limb, which I hope is a clever jab at the latest Metal Gear entry, stars quirky robot C-3PO and the ...[Read More]

RetroUSB’s new NES Console Available for Preorder

A few months back I reported on the Mini NES, quite possibly one of the few times we’ll see Nintendo take a stab at the retro gaming crowd outside of the E-Shop. Of course, this comes after there have been many consoles capable of playing NES carts, which is strange due to the Mini NES’ lack of ability to do so. There are probably at least fifteen different clone consoles that do NES c...[Read More]

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