Alex McCumbers

Most people bleed red. Alex bleeds pixels. Hailing from the deep mountains of WV, land of beautiful landscapes and internet scarceness, Alex can be found writing about games in every sense. Retro games are his life, spending more time with his GBA than his PS4. Drop by one of the social doodads for deep discussions about gaming!

Uber Represents Overwatch in the Best Way

PAX East is officially in full swing and right of the bat, Blizzard shows off something awesome. Basically, there are three amazing rides with three cosplayers set up to drive lucky customers of Uber around Boston, but only while PAX is happening. Customers can find an Uberwatch option in the Uber app that can get one a ride with pickup at specific locations around the convention center. Destinati...[Read More]

Uber Teams with Overwatch in the Best Way

PAX East is officially in full swing and right of the bat, Blizzard shows off something awesome. Basically, there are three amazing rides with three cosplayers set up to drive lucky customers of Uber around Boston, but only while PAX is happening. Customers can find an Uberwatch option in the Uber app that can get one a ride with pickup at specific locations around the convention center. Destinati...[Read More]

PAX East 2016 Images

Welcome to our gallery of pictures from PAX East 2016. Marooners’ Rock is catching all the action firsthand. We got some interviews planned, plenty of meet and greets with developers, and of course gaming for the ages. Stay tuned into Marooners’ Rock for all the latest. It’s (almost) as good as being there.  

PAX East 2016 NEWS

PAX East 2016

PAX East comes once a year to Boston, MA to bring some of the best minds of the gaming world to the East coast. Several writers from Marooners' Rock will be there providing coverage.



Axiom Verge Review

Axiom Verge, at its core, is a tribute. It’s a tribute by a hardcore fan who loved what’s been dubbed the Metroidvania style of game. The man who created it is Thomas Happ, whose history as a developer didn’t truly shine until Axiom Verge’s conception, the sole developer of the art, music, and game design. The project started in March 2010 and didn’t see release until...[Read More]



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Axiom Verge

Axiom Verge, a Metroidvania game made only by Thomas Happ, is coming the to the Playstation Vita. Players follow Trace as he explores a strange, alien world. Along the way, he slowly becomes less human, utilizing strange bio-mechanical technology.


Escape from Tarkov Still Looks Amazing

Escape from Tarkov is being heralded as The Division on steroids. Basically it’s a hardcore MMO, but instead of running around New York mowing down dastardly wearers of the hoodie, players will instead be scrounging around a Russian city. Most gaming PCs might need an upgrade to support this one, as the lighting alone is some the best work I’ve seen in recent years. Combat seems to be ...[Read More]

Sunset Overdrive And Saints Row IV Is Now Free for Xbox Gold Members

Stop what you’re doing, jump onto your Xbox One, go to the marketplace, find Sunset Overdrive, download. Enjoy one of the coolest launch titles from the Xbox One for free, assuming you have a valid Xbox Live Membership that is. Insomniac created a pretty unique open world action game that feels like Tony Hawk if the narrative was written by Tim Schafer. The city is being overrun by mutants c...[Read More]

Red Dead Redemption 2 is Probably Happening

Originally showing up on NeoGAF, gamers around the net were treated with a diverse map that was supposedly the setting for a sequel to one of the best games on the last generation of consoles. Red Dead Redemption brought the western genre into the mainstream with a well made open world and a plot akin to the classic novels of gunslingers, whiskey, and dust. Red Dead Redemption first was released b...[Read More]

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is Bringing Destruction to the 3DS

Shin Megami Tensei is a brutally difficult RPG series, probably one of the most challenging traditional RPGs of the last decade. Yet, it remains as one of the most visually interesting games out there with the signature style the franchise has always represented. Capturing modern Japanese culture and using Judeo-Christian mythology, Shin Megami Tensei is a brilliant mix of culture to create a uniq...[Read More]

Hunter X Hunter English Dubbed Hits Toonami

Hunter X Hunter has reached that point of popularity both in the manga and the anime that an English dub was inevitable. Toonami is adding the show to their lineup this Saturday (April 16th) at 1am EST time. Of course those familiar with the show probably already are aware of this transition, but it’s awesome to see the series reaching a new audience on Toonami. Erica Mendez will be playing ...[Read More]

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