King of Fighters is a series that followed hot on the heels of Street Fighter 2 as an SNK franchise that’s known for its 3v3 battles. In most versions, players select a team of three fighters and duke it out until no one is left. It has also been a staple in the 2D fighting scene, even crossing over with Capcom on several occasions. Now, a new game is on the way and lucky for English speaker...[Read More]
Square Enix has been giving fans tons of information regarding their latest entry of the Star Ocean franchise. So far two Star Logs have been streamed, detailing how the game will be packaged and showing off footage. The newest Star Log focused on the game’s battle system, which looks similar to Xenoblade Chronicles X or a Tales of game. Players will be able to use multiple characters to per...[Read More]
Activision Publishing Inc, Nickelodeon, and Platinum Games are teaming up to bring one of the most unique Ninja Turtles game in recent memory this summer. Mutants in Manhattan has the nostalgic all googley-eyed, while action gaming fans look forward to another tight brawler. Either way, it looks like a good time and the franchise is in the best hands with Platinum, the folks behind Bayonetta and T...[Read More]
Nicalis has brought some awesome, retro-inspired games into the gaming space over the past few years. Nicalis are the publishers behind indie hits such as Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, 1001 Spikes, and Cave Story. Needless to say a portfolio of that caliber says there is something remarkably charming about the company. Their latest project, being developed by Dopterra, is Creepy Castle, a side-scroll...[Read More]
Difficulty is something that some gamers crave. Dark Souls is the biggest testament to this, as its one of the most challenging, but rewarding franchises to come out of the last decade. With sales of the series skyrocketing and sure to go up again with the third installment, (see Rob’s review) it’s clear that how challenging a game is can make or break its overall design. Stranger of Sword City ta...[Read More]
Stranger of Sword City, a dungeon crawler, hardcore RPG is coming to Vita on April 26th. After a plane crash leaves the hero in an alternate dimension, what strange things await in a world with a whole new set of rules.
Koei Tecmo have given the day when humanity will know their place as cattle.
Viz Media is behind some of the biggest franchises in manga and anime, publishing titles like One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul, Dragonball Z, and a ton more. Each month Viz expands its offerings and we got the details on what is in store for April. There are some old favorites and new time faces coming to the manga space on and the VizManga app on iOS and Android. Let’s check them out!