The most recent entertainment buzzword has been “3D.” From the movie theater to the home, 3D has become more and more prevalent, with major marketing pushes across multiple demographics. Sony’s big push at last year’s E3 was 3D, introducing an entire 3D hardware package including glasses, a screen, and more. Games and movies have been pushing 3D more and more. 3D is now ava...[Read More]
I remember quite enjoying a flash based web tower defense game years ago. I had played tower defense style games before, but none had really captured my attention or entertained me in the way Desktop Tower Defense did. Something about the design of the enemies, the open area for building mazes of damage, and the desktop background all clicked for me and gave me what remains to this day one of my f...[Read More]
I am excited about next year’s SimCity in ways that are unnatural and entirely inappropriate. Perhaps I share too much, but there are certain times in a man’s life when he must abandon his gruff exterior and allow his feelings to be clear. Every post I make about SimCity will be one of those times. I say this as a forewarning so that, while it is too late for you to avoid THIS particul...[Read More]
I know that most of you will see “IDDQD” as the title for Episode 021 of Marooners’ Talk and think, “Hey, this must be a great episode completely centered around DOOM and other games of its time and genre!” Yes, we do spend a few minutes on DOOM and the infinitely superior, yet unfortunately less successful Apogee title, Rise of the Triad. Seriously, Rise of the Triad...[Read More]
Reviewing a cup set is actually much harder than you would think. It’s a fairly basic item, after all. You could quite easily get away with saying something like, “It contains liquid successfully, which makes it the perfect example of what a cup should be.” One sentence does not a review make, however, and there are more factors that you would take into consideration while delibe...[Read More]
Let’s just assume that you’re social enough to have people visit your home on a semi-regular basis. With that assumption firmly in place, surely you want some way to protect your kickass giant Nintendo controller table from the vile and destructive forces of condensation? Let ThinkGeek take care of you with their Portal 2 Warning Sign coasters. Eight coasters in all, each one depicts a...[Read More]
Next week sees the release of Sumioni: Demon Arts on the PlayStation Vita. For $19.99, Sumioni will be a downloadable only title that I, for one, am very excited about. We previously mentioned the game’s summoning mechanic, and now we get a closer look at the two Ink Demon summons available to Agura. Yomihi, the phoenix, produces a fiery air attack for ranged damage. Shidou, the Foo Dog, dea...[Read More]
In less than a week, Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc HD will be making its way to our consoles via PSN and XBLA. Claiming 15-20 hours of gameplay at 60fps, Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc contains unlockable content, nine stand-alone mini-games, and leaderboards. In this latest trailer, Ubisoft takes you through the worlds you will visit in Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc HD. See the Fairy Council, Clearleaf Forest, the ...[Read More]
With Episode 3 of Believe in Ghosts, we reach the end of our journey through Ghost Recon: Future Soldier with Richard “Mack” Machowicz, former Navy SEAL sniper/scout. We’ve seen the importance of stacking the odds in your favor, the importance of having the right weapons and tools for the job, and now we see the vital nature of intelligence gathering and sharing and how it relat...[Read More]
With each passing day, we come closer and closer to the return of Spider-Man in an open New York City environment. As we approach June 26th, we continue to get looks at Spider-Man, New York City, and the villains we will face in Beenox’s upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man. Last month, we saw a reimagined Rhino as the first entry in Spider-Man’s stable of villains. Now, we see Iguana arriv...[Read More]
With two classes left to reveal, Wheels of Destruction provides us the long-range sniping and speed of the Assassin class. Presented as a bit of a specialist class, the Assassin may not be the best defender, but it’s a great support class. Keep an eye out over the coming days/weeks for the reveals for the final two classes for Wheels of Destruction, still coming “soon” to PSN.
Do you hate robots as much as I do (no offense to our eventual robotic overlords, I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for your efficient and logical operations)? Do you love an incredibly diverse and face-humpingly (it’s a word now, deal with it) hilarious variety of weapons and equipment? Do you appreciate well designed shoot’em up mechanics? Do you get a gamegasm for...[Read More]