
I'm the Ambassador of Kickyourassador. I am the Walrus. I'm on a highway to the Danger Zone. I am the Kwisatz Haderach. I do things with words that have a generally geeky gist.

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 020 – “The Not Mass Effect Episode”

Marooners’ Rock has reached Episode 020, titled, “The Not Mass Effect Episode.” Despite its name, there is actually a great deal of Mass Effect discussion that takes place in this episode. That being said, there are also a great deal of spoilers for those who have not played Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, or Mass Effect 3. No content is held back, so if you haven’t had the cha...[Read More]

Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc HD – Hoodlums

With release less than a week and a half away, Ubisoft gives us a look at some of the titular Hoodlums of Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc HD in this new trailer. The trailer details five enemies from the upcoming game: Hoodblaster, a long range sharpshooter; Hoodom, a WIZAAARD!; Hoodstomper, a diminutive hoodlum in a giant war machine; Grimkeeper, the Hoodlums’ heavy infantry; and Hoodboom, the expl...[Read More]

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier – Believe in Ghost Episode 2

Two weeks ago, we were introduced to Richard “Mack” Machowicz, a former Navy SEAL sniper/scout, in Ubisoft’s first episode of the three part series Believe in Ghosts. Focused on the technology and strategy of real SEALs and Future Soldier’s Ghosts, the Believe in Ghosts series draws parallels to give Ghost Recon: Future Soldier a sense of realism and depth. Episode 2 specif...[Read More]

SimCity Returns

I’ve always been a mixed bag as a gamer. My first gaming platforms were my parents’ Atari 2600, my dad’s TRS 80 and Tandy 1000 (as well as the subsequent IBM clones), and my grandfather’s Commodore 64 and Amiga. The NES was soon available at a friend’s house (and later on in my own), while the SEGA Genesis made its place known as my primary console for many, many year...[Read More]

Review: I Am Alive (XBLA)

The world has suffered its greatest cataclysm in recorded history. Rendered nearly uninhabitable, ash, dust, and destruction have spread across the face of the planet, leaving humanity a mere shadow of its former self. As things slide further into ruin, the remnants of humanity slide with it, at times becoming territorial, violent, and feral. I Am Alive, the long awaited and long delayed title tha...[Read More]

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 019 – “Stop Playing Tekken and Make Me A Sandwich”

As soon as we came up with the podcast title for this week’s episode, I had a sudden urge for a sandwich. I could have asked my wife to make one for me, but I am particularly averse to getting slapped in the back of the head. “Stop Playing Tekken and Make Me A Sandwich” marks Episode 019 of Marooners’ Talk. We’re a day late because SOMEONE had to have a birthday yeste...[Read More]

Assassin’s Creed III Heads to New England

The American Revolution is not only one of the most fascinating periods of American history, it is arguably the most pivotal and important period of American history. Without it, American history would simply be British Colonial history. Last week and over the weekend, it was revealed that the next ancestor whose shoes Desmond will be virtually filling is a Native American of obvious mixed heritag...[Read More]

Review: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Vita)

This review will be particularly painful for me to write. If Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and its small roster and lack of content was a slap in the face, releasing Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 in the same calendar year with the amount of content that should have existed in the original release was a kick in the crotchal region. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is what Marvel vs. Capcom 3 should have been in t...[Read More]

Awesomenauts Split Screen Trailer

When a game has the word “awesome” in its title, like Awesomenauts does, it’s setting a very high expectation in its target audience. That’s like if I called myself “Chrawesome” instead of “Chris.” There would be a definite expectation of awesomeness whenever I happened to be around (which I must say, I totally live up to even without having “a...[Read More]

Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc HD – Power-Ups

The Rayman franchise has seen a recent rejuvenation of legendary proportions. Rayman Origins came out swinging on both the Xbox 360 and PS Vita, in my personal experience, as one of the best platformers I’ve ever played, and the best PS Vita game I’ve had the pleasure of getting my hands on. Tied to that wonderfully fantastic game is the upcoming HD release of a 3D Rayman classic, Raym...[Read More]

Sumioni: Demon Arts Goes Gold and Gets Dated

A week ago, we were still looking at “this spring” and within the PS Vita’s “launch window” as the expected release timeframe for XSEED’s upcoming ink-slinging platformer, Sumioni: Demon Arts. Today, XSEED has announced that Sumioni: Demon Arts has gone gold, and has been given an official release date. Releasing on the PS Vita exclusively as a downloadable titl...[Read More]

Review: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (Vita)

Before starting up BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend, I had never played a BlazBlue title. I remember being very interested in BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger when it released back in 2009, but at the time, for whatever reason, I passed on it, and as I got farther and farther away from the release date, I simply gave it up as a lost cause and moved on. When BlazBlue: Continuum Shift was released in 2010...[Read More]

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