
I'm the Ambassador of Kickyourassador. I am the Walrus. I'm on a highway to the Danger Zone. I am the Kwisatz Haderach. I do things with words that have a generally geeky gist.

Info Dump: Shoot Many Robots

I like shooting robots. One of my favorite shooters of all time was 2010’s Vanquish, which primarily consists of shooting robots or humans enhanced by robotics. You may all be prepared for the zombie apocalypse, but I’m prepared for the far more likely robot uprising. You can understand, then, the anticipation I feel for any game that lets me wail on robots or creatures enhanced by rob...[Read More]

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 015 – “Final Fantasy Sequels Are Just Weird”

I spent a good chunk of Friday evening and Saturday playing NeverDead. Sunday morning, I started working up plans with the missus to go play some mini-golf, because California is giving us t-shirt weather in February (suck it, places that have winter). Suddenly, I remember. “OH SHIT! PODCAST!” An email goes out to Adam, and we are shortly ready and prepared to knock out episode 15 of M...[Read More]

Review: NeverDead (360)

The best advice I can give you if you’re planning on playing NeverDead is not to take it too seriously. Sure, the subject matter may have some heavier elements to it…the burden of immortality, loss, demons, love…but in much the same way that you wouldn’t take Army of Darkness or Plan 9 from Outer Space seriously, I reiterate: NeverDead is not a game to take seriously, becau...[Read More]

Review: The Simpsons Arcade (XBLA)

I was a child of the arcades. I would spend my time and money gladly and without hesitation at any one of a number of arcades on any one of a number of cabinets. X-Men, Gauntlet, Time Crisis, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more have all played their part in draining me of the limited funds I had in my childhood. One of the games most responsible for my lack of cold hard coinage in my youth was ...[Read More]

Trailer: Trials Evolution

One of the best examples of quality in a downloadable game is Trials HD. The physics gameplay is fantastic, giving your motorbike a great feeling of weight, while the controls allow you to control that weight masterfully. As you spin your way through the perilous obstacle courses, you get a feeling reminiscent of your first time playing a classic like Excitebike. Now, Trials Evolution is going to ...[Read More]

Trailer: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Gameplay

We had a great time at E3 back in 2011, and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier‘s multiplayer was part of the reason for it. The cooperative dynamic was absolutely fantastic, and remains one of the multiplayer experiences I look forward to most in 2012. Now, the first gameplay trailer for this great entry to the Ghost Recon franchise has made its way to us courtesy of the fine folks at Ubisoft.

Trailer: Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc coming in HD

Rayman Origins was easily one of the best games of 2011, and without a doubt the best platformer of its entire generation. This is not up for argument, this is a simple statement of fact. If you disagree, you are a soulless being who has no concept of excellence and quality. Now, another Rayman is going to be gracing our consoles as a digital title for XBLA and PSN.

Steam Mobile Beta Impressions (Android)

Steam is making its way to the mobile arena on both of the major mobile platforms of the day, iOS and Android. You’ve heard how it looks on iOS, and now, thanks to my friend (and former writer for the site) Austin, you’ll get a chance to hear how it stacks up on an Android device.

Steam Goes Mobile

Steam has become one of the most recognizable and respected digital distribution platforms in video games. From its ease of use to its shiny interface, and from its wide selection to its wallet busting sales and deals, PC and Mac gamers, for the most part, love Steam for buying and managing their games, as well as building a community of friends and competitors. Now, nearly a decade after the plat...[Read More]

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 014 – “Something About Used Games and Online Passes”

So another week, another episode! Looks like we’re making good on the weekly return so far. Today’s episode of Marooners’ Talk, titled “Something About Used Games and Online Passes,” spends a considerable amount of time talking about the backwards compatibility choices of the Xbox 360 in regard to one title in particular: Barbie Horse Adventures. Er…sorry, that ...[Read More]

Rayman Origins coming to PC

Rayman Origins was one of the best games that 2011 had to offer. Note that I did not qualify that by saying that it was one of the best PLATFORMERS of 2011, but one of the best GAMES of 2011, regardless of game type. Not only was it one of 2011’s best offerings, it is easily the best platformer of this entire generation, and quite possibly one of the best platformers I have ever had the exqu...[Read More]

Agent 47 makes his way to the printed page again in Hitman: Damnation

I’ve always thought that the Hitman series of video games would lend themselves well to novelization. The aspects of patience, detail, and attention in Hitman would make for great suspense on the page. Apparently I wasn’t alone in this thought, since 2007 saw the release of a Hitman novel, Hitman: Enemy Within. Enemy Within took place between the events of  the Hitman video game series...[Read More]

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