Dalin Briggs

Dalin is newer to the writing scene, but enjoys sharing his thoughts on a scattershot of games. From indy platformers to AAA shooters, Dalin plays anything he can get his hands on.

Fallout 76 Presents Helmets for Habitat

Bethesda has partnered up with Xbox and HYPERMAKER to bring you #HelmetsforHabitat. HYPERMAKER is an online fashion and streetware store known for its wide range of custom art. This initiative will auction off custom designed Fallout 76 T-51 power armor helmets to raise money for Habitat for Humanity.

Humble Bundle announces WB Games Classics Bundle

Humble Bundle has announced its newest bundle, the Humble WB Games Classics Bundle. As with every purchase Humble Bundle, you will be able to pick up a handful of games at a discount price and donate your money to charity at the same time. No better way to find games at a great cost and do a good deed at the same time.

DEEMO Will Have a Physical Release on January 29th

DEEMO ¸ previously on IOS and Android has been ported to the Nintendo Switch and will hit store shelves on January 29th, 2019 with Nintendo’s Labo Piano being a compatible way to play.



Dust: An Elysian Tail – Review

Dust: An Elysian Tail was released on the Xbox 360 in 2012 and has found its way to the Nintendo Switch, the perfect home for such a game. Dust is an indie developed game that was created by one man (besides the music and VO). It won the 2009 Microsoft Dream.Build.Play competition which allowed the game to be completed and released to the Xbox Live Arcade. Dust is a 2D side-scroller with elements ...[Read More]


Marvel Strike Force is Adding New Villains

Marvel for quite some time has been hitting the market hard with a lot of movies as well as in-game items. Well the news today is that Marvel Strike Force is adding two new villains to join into the fray. Who are they you ask? The symbiote menace Venom and the X-Men antagonist Mystique are coming soon as playable characters.

New Game Announcement from Iceberg Interactive

A new game announcement from Iceberg Interactive and Dragon Slumber has arrived, and it has us intrigued. Iceberg games recent releases include Dawn of Andromeda, Conarium, and Starpoint Gemini Warlords. Dragon Slumber is best known for games such as Astral Traveler, Stairleporter, and Arelite Core.

Bandai Namco Celebrates Anniversary of Sword Art Online With New Announcment

Bandai Namco is known for making some of the top Anime games in recent years including Naruto games, Tales of Vesperia, and the upcoming Jump Force.  In 2013 they released Sword Art Online: Infinity Fragment and multiple games since then. Five years later they have exciting new announcements to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of the series, including expansions, and even new games coming to the N...[Read More]



Marvel’s Spider-Man (PS4) Review

In Marvel’s Spider-Man, the titular hero is in your hands, giving the power and responsibility to stop crime, beat up baddies, and keep the neighborhood friendly. Thankfully spared from another origin story, you join Spider-Man eight years into his crusade against crime, starting the story off with one of Spider-Man’s greatest victories. From that point you will grow stronger as a hero, deve...[Read More]


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