Douglas Spears

Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.



Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate DLC – Jack the Ripper

20 years after the events of Assassin's Creed Syndicate, 'Jack the Ripper' has embarked on a brutal reign of terror that shocks London to its core and threatens the very existence of the Brotherhood of Assassins.


Tomb Raider Rises to the Master Race Sooner Than Later

Rise of the Tomb Raider has had a rough life. It’s birthday happened to be dwarfed by the beautiful Fallout 4 baby. Not only this, but there were multiple major released swarming the day for a couple weeks before and after. Poor thing. Is there anything that can help sales? Maybe one: something glorious. As you know we also did a double review here at Marooners’ Rock, which you can rea...[Read More]

Step Away From “Rock” With New Rock Band 4 DLC

While most people moan and groan over the fact that not just “rock” songs are in Rock Band, I love seeing other variety. I was excited for Off the Charts Pack 1 which released a few weeks ago. I am a sucker for catchy songs. Well, Harmonix topped theirselves. With Off the Charts Pack 2.

Pokemon #721 Finally Confirmed

While we are all patiently waiting for  Pokemon Go or a new Pokemon game, GameFreak is doing a nice job of keeping us at bay. First, we had Hoopa, which can still be picked up from McDonald’s until the 23rd. Now, we have the first ever “Steam” pokemon. Volcanion is the new legendary Pokemon that will be coming soon to our games. It is a Fire/Water pokemon, the first in the series...[Read More]

Internet Juggernaut Rooster Teeth Releases New Lazer Team Trailer

**HEAVY BREATHING** Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard about Rooster Teeth. Whether it has been about their internet series Red vs Blue, their “anime” RWBY, their Achievement Hunter section, or their current jaunt into cinema. Lazer Team has created quite a stir, starting with its almost 2.5 million dollar Indiegogo campaign back in the Summer of 2014. Sin...[Read More]

Battlefield 5 Confirmed?

DICE development director Dan Vaderlind tweeted this past weekend that he has been sent over to work on “the next Battlefield.” Now, this does not confirm the article we had last week that called for Battlefield 5: Armageddon, but it does confirm a new Battlefield. But come on, new Battlefield confirmation + that IMDB page? That screams confirmation to me. I know a lot of people were d...[Read More]

Card Game The Spoils Announces New Addition To VICTORS Program

Card game The Spoils and Alter Reality Games are excited to announce a new addition to their VICTORS Organized Play Program. This addition allows players to meet and face off with other players in a “tournament” setting, as opposed to at local shops like most of the promotion. While there will be more promotions like this announced hopefully soon, here’s what we know about the first Victors Circui...[Read More]

Nintendo Teams up with Mercedes-Benz to provide Free Content to Super Mario Maker

In a…odd… partnership again, Mercedes-Benz teams up with Nintendo to give Mario the luxury of the…luxury… car… I can’t even write well due to the confusion between this. Oh well. I’ll keep trying. In the new content that released today, you can play a new course called Mercedes-Benz Jump’n’Drive, where you play as Mario in a new costume, Mario ...[Read More]

Canceled Star Wars Game May Be Getting the “Darth Vader” Treatment

By that, I mean a second chance like how Anakin was “rebuilt” after the events of 3… oh, you know what I’m talking about. Back in 2012, fans were shown prototype footage of a new starts game named Star Wars: 1313. Unfortunately, Disney closed LucasArts in 2013, the following year.



Starwhal for Xbox One Review

Starwhal started as a Kickerstarter campaign back in November of 2013. Originally it launched for Steam. From there, Wii U and PlayStation versions were launched. This only left one powerhouse to not experience the fun. The time is here. This is Starwhal for the Xbox One, and get ready, because it will rock your world.


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