Douglas Spears

Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

Legend of Kay Anniversary User Reviews

Get Your Chimichangas Ready, Deadpool Is Coming

Who’s ready for a good ol’ family superhero movie? Where the hero saves the world and gets the guy/girl in the end, all to have a happy ending? Welp, sorry nancy. Not this time. Do you know who Deadpool is? In case you don’t, imagine the sass of Spiderman, then let that sass run its own show on Adult Swim, only to be kicked off for being too offensive. That’s Deadpool.

Gamescom 2015: Scalebound Information Released

Have you ever thought what it would be like to play a game where you listen to techno music, swing a sword/dragonclaw arm or whatever, and command a giant mythical beast to do your bidding? What used to only be a dream of childhood Doug will be a reality with PlatinumGames’ upcoming release, Scalebound.

Gamescom 2015: Crackdown 3 Prepares To Rock The World

Do you like super-soldiers that save cities, but ultimately making the city a pile of rubble before saving the day? No I’m not talking about a Marvel film. Rather, I am talking about Reagent Games’ long anticipated sequel, Crackdown 3. Only available on the Xbox One, Crackdown 3 showed today that it isn’t just “some other sequel” but “THE sequel.” Continui...[Read More]

Gamescom 2015: New Xbox Features and Hardware Are On The Horizon

With Gamescom 2015, Microsoft is on a rampage of information. While having a good briefing presentation, they have also made some announcements off screen. For example, new details of the New Xbox One Experience coming this Fall. A new section that is being added, Community, will include upgrades to the Activity Feed and Trending, showing off the most popular activities on your Microsoft entertain...[Read More]

Gamescom 2015: Microsoft Briefing Wrap Up

Whoa. Just whoa. If you didn’t get a chance to see that stream, read this to get the bits and pieces, go find it, then watch the whole thing. It was awesome. Allow me to drop the bits and pieces, then I shall elaborate. Remedy Games’ Quantum Bream Gameplay Trailer shown Dual media; Game will be about the heroes, show will be about the villains Show Trailer shown April 5th, 2016, No men...[Read More]

Rockband 4 Adds 17 New Songs To Its Setlist

Get ready to rock out with your….plastic instruments out. Harmonix has released not one, not three, but seventeen new songs for their encore performance that is Rockband 4, which is set to rock on October 6th, 2015 for the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. Now, before we get to the songs, if you haven’t yet (what’s wrong with you if so??), visit to pre-order the game, ...[Read More]

Gear Up For Gears of War: Ultimate Edition With Newly Announced Bonus!

We all know the game. Y’know, the one with the excessive gore and the chainsaw gun. Yeah, that one. As some of you may know, Gears of War will be getting the remaster treatment on the Xbox One with Gears of War: Ultimate Edition. Not only is it the bloody game we all know and love, but it is being improved with next-gen graphics, redone cinematics, new maps, early access to the Gears of War ...[Read More]

Rumor: Will Mighty No. 9 Release In 2015?

It would appear to be a big Mighty No. Nope. Eyebrows were raised after the release date was changed from September 15th, 2015 to TBA 2016 quietly earlier this week on multiple retail sites. To reaffirm this, Game Informer announced Thursday, “Game Informer has received additional information about the quiet delay of Mighty No. 9, with further substantiation that it will miss its September 1...[Read More]

Rise To The Challenge, Risen 3 Titan Lords Enhanced Edition Comes To PS4

Deep Silver has released the first footage we have seen of the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive “remaster,” Risen 3: Titan Lords Enhanced Edition. No lie, it looks pretty, sweet, and (I dare say it) pretty sweet. This edition will be released with the game and all updates/ previous DLC content (Adventure Grab, Fog Island, Uprising of the Little Guys).

Team17 Is Back With Two New Games, Both of the Crawling Variety

THEY ARE BACK! Team17 dropped the bomb on us today that there will be a new Worms game coming out soon! Not only are they bringing us one, but they are giving us two different varieties! Rejoice! Up first is Worms: WMD. Created with a brand new 2D cartoon-inspired worm design, and beautiful hand drawn landscapes, Worms: WMD is slated to come out for the Xbox One and PC in early 2016. However, Team...[Read More]

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Gamescon Preview Announced!

Remember ArenaNet’s no subscription fee MMO, Guild Wars 2? Well, after almost two years, it is getting its first expansion, Heart of Thorns. With no release date announced yet, fans were quite welcoming of the news of a future Beta weekend starting August 7th and ending August 10th. However, Arenanet has announced that there will be a preview of HoT on the show floor at Gamescon, leading int...[Read More]

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