You may remember the stroll down memory lane I took with you when Worms™ Reloaded was announced a couple of weeks ago. Well, Team 17 have been kind enough to whet my nostalgic appetite with a new trailer for the upcoming release.
For over five years and over 10 different versions, Guitar Hero has been one of the leading video game franchises for shedding light on new musical talent. The latest upcoming release, Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock will hopefully help increase the album sales of 11 lucky artists whose work has never been featured in a Guitar Hero game before now.
In 2007, there was a much talked about documentary called The King Of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters that told the story of Steve Wiebe. Steve is a gamer, a teacher, and an all-around nice guy who wanted to have the highest score in Donkey Kong. Unfortunately, record holder Billy Mitchell is a total crybaby who just can’t admit defeat.
So, I know I’m a little bit late to the party with this one but, Warner Bros. Interactive announced on Thursday that the follow-up to their award-winning game Batman: Arkham Asylum will be Batman: Arkham City.
If you don’t know what The Sims is, I don’t think I can help you. In fact, if you’ve never at least heard of The Sims, I would suggest you’re on the wrong website. You might do better with or But if you do know what The Sims is, and you look forward to new iterations of the game, then by all means, read on.
Much like the Beastie Boys, Ellen is too sweet to be sour, too nice to be mean.
Gone are the days of my youth, when five of my closest friends and I would gather around a PC and choose the names for our Worms, laughing at whose was the most amusing or relevant. Afterwards, 2 or 3 of us would mosey our way into another room, while each player made their first strike.