Larry Hyrb (Major Nelson) has announced on Twitter that Halo Wars will be now be able to be played through the Xbox One preview program! Woo! This means that eventually every Xbox One owner will be able to relive the unique RTS fun of the Halo universe!
Well know for its original game play and art style, SUPERHOT brought a refreshing change to the often played out FPS genre. With its surprising release, this unique game has left its mark on the gaming world; In the best way possible. Recently, SUPERHOT has left a different kind of mark in the Polish city of Lodz. Artists work together to bring the iconic crystalline antagonists to new heights in ...[Read More]
Looking for an adorable time waster to keep you glued to your phone? Look no further! YO-KAI WATCH is a cute puzzle RPG based on the popular Disney XD series of the same name. After its original release, YO-KAI WATCH was one of the top 5 grossing apps in Japan! Following this massive success, LEVEL-5 and NHN PlayArt are gracing us with a port to IOS and Android on March 24th.
We’ve all played physical Pinball. We’ve all played virtual Pinball, but have you played virtual physical pinball? Thanks to Zen Studios the well known Pinball classic, Pinball FX 2, is making it’s way to the future with a Oculus Rift Compatibility. Finally, you can play Pinball the way it was meant to be played, all while at the comfort of your desk.