
Iron Man 2 Review

Tony Stark is such a badass. When you think about it, he has everything people want. Fame, fortune, intelligence, good looks, a way with the ladies, and he is a fucking superhero. I loved the original Iron Man movie, and while I was sure I’d love the sequel, I still had some reservations. Chris and I love going to midnight premieres, so it wasn’t even a question if we would be attendin...[Read More]

Zelda DS Winner!

Good Afternoon, It is now 1:00 PM, and time to announce the fab winner of our Zelda contest. Before that, I’d like to again give congrats to deaf omega and Ancientwolf13 who both won prizes in our Harry Potter giveaway. OK, now to the good stuff. The winner is………….. . . . . . . . ……… spookygirl! Congrats, contact me within 48 hours so we can arrange ...[Read More]

Harry Potter Winners!

Well, it’s Monday, and it’s 11:00 A.M. I am pleased to announce that the First Place winner of Harry Potter is – deaf omega! You will be receiving 1 of the Harry Potter posters and the slap bracelet. Hope your little one enjoys! The runner up, winning the other Harry Potter poster is – Ancientwolf13! Don’t forget, you have 48 hours to email me your address so we can g...[Read More]

Bed Time!

OMG! It’s 6 AM. It’s time for bed! Thank you so much for sharing this Blogathon experience with us. Thank you to all of our Sponsors. To all of you who couldn’t be a sponsor, we can still accept sponsors and donations up until this Friday around midnight so please keep spreading the word about everything we’ve done today and our charity. Harry Potter and Zelda winners will ...[Read More]


What is this? Can it be….. 5:30 in the morning? Oh sweet merciful! Sorry that our recent posts have lacked images, but I honestly can’t be bothered to keep everything going and do all of that on top of it. I will go through the blog tomorrow (or shall I say later on today) and add in images that would be appropriate and fitting for each post. Again, sorry that things are becoming so ha...[Read More]

Anxiety Kicking In

I’ve never blogged about this before, but I actually suffer from anxiety. Unfortunately the anxiety also causes panic attacks, and I do have a bit of agoraphobia. I’ve had it since February 2001 and went from November 2001 until June of 2007 without any panic attacks, and without the use of meds or seeing a therapist. Now my recent claim to fame is that I have gone from June 2007 until...[Read More]

Lindsey, J-Pop Suuuupa Star!

I know this might sound odd, but I really like Japanese music. I do like the traditional music, but I am talking about silly J-Pop. What tickles me to no end is that in Japan you can make millions of dollars and not dance or even have a good voice. Hello friends, I am going to get a passport, fly to Japan, and be a J-Pop Star. I have an alright voice and my dance moves can get me by. Shit… i...[Read More]

Finally Home!

So right now… it is… *looks at clock in lower right corner of monitor* 3:01. We finally got home. The car with the gifts has been unloaded, I have used the restroom, got out of my uncomfortable dress, and am sitting in the chair at my desk – with the bed directly behind me. The bed beckons me. It says “Lindsey, come lay in me. I am so comfy. You love me so much, and I love ...[Read More]

Time To Go Home?

Oh man… 1 AM. Do we get to go home yet? Everybody really seems to be enjoying themselves, and they don’t show any signs of being tired. Maybe it’s all the strong black tea they are drinking and all of the sweets they are eating. Little sugar and caffeine junkies! …. just kidding. I can’t imagine we will be here much longer, so hopefully we will be homeward bound soon!...[Read More]

Wedding Presents

Since the party we are at is for us since we got married back in March, of course we got presents. We won’t be opening them here, so when we do tomorrow we will let you all know what we got! Pictures too. I’m so excited. I love presents. It’s like Christmas in July lol! – She Who Has The Last Word


It’s midnight. I honestly can’t believe that we have been blogging for 18 hours straight. I must say that this has been like nothing I’ve ever experienced. My mind has been struggling for interesting things to blog about, and my poor eyes are tired from looking at a screen for so long today. But you know what? It’s been worth it. It’s been so awesome that I can’...[Read More]


Well, it’s about 11:30 and we are about to have this delicious cake. Can’t post a pic of it right now, but just believe me when I say that it will be delicious. Chris’s Mom ordered it from this local French bakery named Le Roi, and she says it’s her favorite. Yum, yum! – She Who Has The Last Word

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