
On the outside, you might think Sam is rough and tough with her always-changing hair color and tattoos, but those closest to her will tell you she's actually a book worm, plant mom, avid backcountry hiker, and lover of all things Star Wars and video games!

Heroes Reborn: Gemini User Reviews

The Solus Project Comes to Steam and Xbox One Early Access

Thanks to a newly released developer video, we can get a look into The Solus Project, the first-person survival adventure game hailed as one of the most anticipated games of 2016. As the sole survivor of a crash landing on an alien planet, you hold humanity’s fate in your hands while you navigate your way through 10 unknown environments where you’ll soon discover that you may not have ...[Read More]

The Escapists: The Walking Dead Coming to PS4

Does The Escapists: The Walking Dead sound familiar? It should; it’s been available on PC and Xbox One since September 30. With mixed reviews on Steam and 4-star rating on Xbox, The Escapists: The Walking Dead is finally heading to PlayStation 4. Taking on the role of Rick Grimes, players venture through 5 levels trying to find any one of the 24 collectible items while you follow the story l...[Read More]

Gears of War 3 Release Date Confirmed

Microsoft has confirmed the release date for the next installment of the Gears of War franchise. Excited? Good! You should be…

The 411 on Dead Island’s Movie Rights

It has been two weeks since Kyle reported on the mind-blowing trailer that made  your heart race and all your friends abuzz.  So, with the internet community talking about Dead Island, what is the current status of its movie rights?

Angry Birds Rio to be Released in March

First we had Angry Birds. Then, Fox created Rio. Then, someone combined them. Read on for more details!

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair DLC

Today, Konami announced new DLC for Castlevania: Harmony of Despair!

Discuss: An Indepth & Unbiased Look at GameCrush

If you have Twitter, Facebook, access to Google, ears or eyes, you have heard about GameCrush. GameCrush is an adult website which went live in 2010. They identify themselves as “… a fun and inviting way to meet and play other gamers.” Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to some GameCrush PlayDates as well as one of the founders and the community manager. So, leave y...[Read More]

Review: League Bowling (PSN)

In the past week, there have been two reviews of SNK’s Neo Geo games for the PlayStation Network. First, we had Ahmed’s review of Fatal Fury. Overall, he felt Fatal Fury was worth your time and money. Then, we had Phillip’s review of Baseball Stars Professional. According to Phillip, Baseball Stars Professional, which was released in 1990, “hasn’t aged well.” I ...[Read More]

Review: Kinect Sports (X360)

First, there was Wii Sports and stories of people letting go of their controller mid-tennis match and smashing their TVs. Then, PlayStation Move came out with its version, Sports Champions, and we heard the same stories. Well, Xbox’s Kinect takes away that fear by taking away the controllers! All while still providing a great sporting experience!

Review: Kinect Adventures (X360)

Kinect Adventures is the game that comes with the Kinect Bundle for Xbox 360. Available with just the game and the sensor or bundled with an Xbox 360 S, gamers everywhere helped this product sell out quickly. Steve Balmer of Microsoft recently announced at CES 2011 that nearly 8 million Kinect bundles have sold worldwide. So, with so many copies of Kinect Adventures floating around, just how well ...[Read More]

Review: Kinect Sensor

First, I gave you delightful readers a review of PlayStation Move, then, Austin gave us a nice PlayStation Move vs. Xbox Kinect article back in September. So, now that the Xbox Kinect has been released, what’s the verdict?

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