Whether you are currently the owner of a Legends Arcade product or awaiting more information on the Legends Pinball cabinet, just like me, AtGames just announced a whole slew of pinball goodness coming to their arcade product line. Ported to run directly on the Legends Arcade hardware, these tables can be played at 1080p/60fps on the Legends Pinball machine, and a minimum of 720p/30fps on every ot...[Read More]
October may be over but it’s still spooky season, the perfect time for check out some well-loved, classic horror inspired Williams pinball tables that were recently released for Pinball FX 3. This time Zen Studios have lovingly created digital representations of the “Monster Bash” and “Creature from the Black Lagoon” pinball tables, released as the Universal Monsters ...[Read More]
Here we go, ladies and gentlemen, another Star Wars table from the brilliant design masterminds over at Zen Studios. This time they’ve put together an experience based upon the excitement and daring behind Star Wars: Rogue One. Full disclosure, I haven’t seen Rogue One so there is a good chance that some, or many, of the fan service elements in this table will go over my head, but that...[Read More]
Two new tables are set to hit Zen Studios Pinball FX2 on January 12th, but Zen hooked Marooners’ Rock up with an early access Steam code, allowing us to bring you a review before the tables become available. For the purpose of having the same gameplay experience as most readers I will not be using my pinball cabinet setup for the majority of this review, though I will have a minor aside at t...[Read More]
As someone who had spent crazy amounts of the last four years working on a console each day it’s not all gameplay and fun, ladies and gentlemen my controllers have taken an incredible beating. I’ve watched in horror as my less-than-a-year-old controllers have developed thumb stick drift, buttons have worn and stopped being crisp to press, and the sadness of knowing that Dan’s Con...[Read More]
Booting up Blood Bowl 2 for the first time and jumping into the tutorial/career, left me with a few questions about gameplay while throwing a “go win the game” challenge at me. While the first game you play seems impossible to lose – your opponent quits as soon as you score a point – it teaches you some of the basics behind player movement.
The Hyper-train for Halo 5 is really heating up, we’re only a few weeks from launch, and with the second season of Hunt The Truth being well underway, it was only a matter of time before promo items and codes for use in the game started going out. I recently saw a new program that tasks you with watching 10 video clips, roughly 15 seconds each, that, when finished, will reward the viewer wit...[Read More]
Plague Inc: Evolved isn’t exactly a brand new title. There have been multiple mobile versions, but now, the Plague has spread to Xbox One.
No, you’re a ball of fluff! First booting up Leo’s Fortune on Xbox One throws you into a story narrated, by Leo of course, about amassing wealth and having it ripped from your grasp. All of the spoils from your hard work are gone, scattered across the landscape in a Hansel & Gretel breadcrumb-styled “come at me, bro” journey to find the game’s villain. You play as...[Read More]
The Bridge has a different take on the Puzzle Game genre than what I am used to. In a black and white world in the same vein as an M.C. Escher painting. It’s a very interesting concept, as the ceiling you were just standing on has now become the floor that you are sliding down on your way to the wall. That might not make much sense now, but it will after you spend some time with The Bridge.
First off, this is late. I know it’s late. Ant-Man released not long ago. Why is my review late? Well, part of that is down to me being sick, and part is due to a gameplay problem. For the last few weeks I have had massive issues with Pinball FX2 running on Xbox One. Between crashing when loading the game and crashes when submitting high scores, there’s a lot to be said for general gam...[Read More]
Zen has been pumping out some quality Pinball FX2 tables recently, such as Age of Ultron and Star Wars Rebels, that show that they have been really paying attention to recent trends in pop-culture. This week they have their sights set on a table based on one of my favorite First Person puzzle games; Portal.