Last Friday, Chris and I had a rather interesting show. For starters we had to cut it at an hour due to us having company come over. Then we experienced tech issues about half way through the show in which we had to cut the feed and restream. Our total live viewer count was 2, but we knew in advance that some of the guys who were there for our first episode wouldn’t be able to make it. I kne...[Read More]
I am a man. By this, not only do I mean to say that I am a man in the genetic, physical sense, but in the socially accepted sense as well. I like cars. I like women. I like barbecue. I like gadgets. I like video games. The list goes on, but I think you get the point. With all this in mind, allow me to tell you a tale. A month or so ago, Lindsey and I were out and about town, when we went in...[Read More]
I talk to myself out loud at times. I’ll carry an entire conversation with myself. I’ll talk to video game characters by telling them what to do, or where to go, etc. I’ll muse over thoughts out loud. I’m perfectly fine with this habit. In fact, I enjoy it. Lindsey thinks I’m mental. I respectfully disagree. It may seem strange to some that I talk to myself, but ...[Read More]
Good morning, world! I’d like to apologize to our readers (if we have any, which I sincerely doubt) for our recent lack of activity. We started off strong, followed by two weeks with only two posts. Today marks the beginning of an attempt to change the trend set by the past two weeks of non-activity. At least once per day, be it from Lindsey or myself, there will be new content posted to ...[Read More]
This past Sunday, Chris and I attended the first Bridal Show of the year. Our main reasons for attending them are to find vendors and to try and win free stuff. Plus, all the cake and food samples are fantastic. When you get there they ask you to go and register for the big prizes they draw for at the end of each fashion show and also for individual drawings at the vendor booths. Sometimes the ven...[Read More]
The Crow was an amazing movie. This would also be the last role for Brandon Lee. Unlike most other comic book movies this one stayed true to it’s original form. It was dark and gritty, the soundtrack was fantastic, and it really sucked the viewer into it’s world. I remember seeing it the second day it came out in theatres. I was in 7th grade at the time and I was in awe throughout the ...[Read More]
Over the past few months, Lindsey and I have visited four bridal shows. For those who haven’t attended a bridal show before, they are extremely useful if you are planning your own wedding. As you walk around, you make contacts with a variety of vendors for a variety of services. There are also many, many prizes and gifts to be won. A few of these prizes are awarded by the show host durin...[Read More]
Well tonight Chris and I had our first MehCast and it was fantastic. We started off a bit slow due to a lag at first and some people experiencing technical difficulties but once things started rockin’ everybody had a fun time. Having a chat room along with the live video is really helpful because it allows us to interact with our viewers and get some much appreciated feedback. Some of my fel...[Read More]
It all started yesterday when Chris was messing around with his iPhone. I bought it for him back in February of last year, and shortly after he jailbroke it. Once the 2.0 software upgrade came out, he upgraded but didn’t jailbreak it again until last night. He then started adding random ringtones since the default ones are terrible. He was getting a laugh out of the Star Wars tones so he put...[Read More]
We woke up this morning around 12:30pm and, as usual, started telling each other about our dreams. Lindsey usually fully remembers her dreams, while I usually don’t remember much, or anything at all. Sometimes, however, she’ll say something that reminds me about a part of my dream, as was the case this morning. The location was my uncle’s house. However, the feel was medieval....[Read More]
The first episode of the World of Meh “MehCast” will air this evening at 7:00pm PST (GMT -8), live via UStream.TV. We will be covering a variety of topics, as well as a Q&A portion. Tune in shortly before we start to make sure you get it all! -Because I said so