Video Games

Memorable Dads in Gaming

Father’s day really got me thinking about Dad in video games. A lot of games either have the dad completely absent with no mention or his role is simply one of existence. So I put together a list of memorable Video Game Dads and what made them so memorable. Covering everything from Nintendo to Zombie Hunting Cowboys, there are Dads of all sorts and sizes in video games. These eight Dads are ...[Read More]

Top 5 3D Sonic Games

As Sonic the Hedgehog approaches his 25th anniversary, and Sega continues to tease that they have an announcement for the occasion, let’s look at the best of his more recent games.

Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown Recap

While some may say arcades are dead, I beg to differ. “Barcades” – bars that double as old-school arcades – are thriving, and with them, arcade machines and pinballs alike. And every year, the Rocky Mountain Pinball Expo is held locally in my state, located in Highlands Ranch at the Marriott Denver South. It’s a mecca for those that don’t just love pinball, but gaming in ge...[Read More]

Daddy Gamer Episode 6 – LA Noire

This was probably the most fun I’ve had making an episode yet! Going in with the intention of having a different look and feel to the skit segments was a really neat experience and I hope it’s not the last time I shoot in this style! The idea came to me when we actually did loose a set of keys for quite awhile. I had recently started playing LA Noire again and asking Lil’ Gamer w...[Read More]

FanimeCon 2016: Lisle Wilkerson Interview

Fanime was quite an interesting show this year, but while I was there I had the chance for an interview with Lisle Wilkerson. Below you can watch as I interview the voice actress and interpreter Lisle Wilkerson, who you may know from such games as Shenmue and Tekken, as well as the film Lost in Translation.

Rumor: Could We Be Getting Two New Red Dead Titles?

One of Rockstar’s most beloved games last generation had to be Red Dead Redemption, followup to 2004’s Red Dead Revolver. Whether it was that ending, or the crazy Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare expansion pack, fans absolutely loved John Marston’s last hurrah. They love it so much, it is possible Rockstar could be bringing back before a sequel comes out. Speculation caps.

Overwatch Porn Gets Cease and Desist

The internet has always gone hand and hand with pornography. All types of images, videos, and services are available at the touch of a button. One such site, Pornhub has been in the gaming news quite a bit here of late. Whether its streaming dirty bits to a 3DS or VR headsets supporting 360 degree ruts, the site seems to have their thumb on the pulse of the gaming world for good reason. Technology...[Read More]

Play Dark Souls 3 in First Person

Not sure if this is any surprise, but I am obsessed with Dark Souls 3 and have been ever since its release. I’ve always loved the series and was even hesitant to pick up the latest one. Upon doing so I’ve spiraled into the pits of starry eyed fans, all eager for anything Miyazaki has touched. As I am wont to do during these times, I have been pursuing video content and journalism on ev...[Read More]

Rumor: Possible Starters for Gen VII of Pokemon Revealed

First, I am going to start off with a request to put on your Speculation Helmets, folks. This is nowhere near being confirmed but signs are pointing to a possible truth! This morning, Game Freak trademarked a few names for possible Pokemon. Three, to be more precise. Of these three, signs point to fire, water, and grass bases. Yeah, that sounds like new starters to me.

Could a New Xbox be on the Way?

Speculation has been drifting around about a “new” Xbox One, a la PS4.5 from Sony. Phil Spencer even mentioned the possibility of having a PC-esque Xbox One that will allow component upgrades over time, so the life span is prolonged. Well, earlier this week we may have gotten a look at a couple of new things. NeoGAF user “ekim” did some digging and noticed two new FCC IDs f...[Read More]

Rumor: NX Controller Photos “Leaked”

Alright, so if you’ve been on Twitter today and you follow as many gamers, producers, studios, and journalists as I do, just about all of them are talking about these photos. Supposedly, the controller above is the super secretive NX controller. This has the investigative type into a frenzy, doing all sorts of zany alterations and cross referencing various parts of the image. People are usin...[Read More]

Nintendo Direct 11-12-15 Highlights

There was a lot talked about in the 11.12.15 Nintendo Direct! Here is a breakdown of the event, or feel free to watch it! Wii U and 3DS Super Smash Bros. Final Fantasy VII’s Cloud Strife enters the battle! The buster sword wielding protagonist of the iconic game will become a playable character in Smash Bros! Along with a new stage to fight on. More information on the Smash series will be co...[Read More]

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