Video Games

Nintendo Direct 1/14/15

A lot was covered today in Nintendo Direct 1/14/15. This is going to be a quick summary of everything. If the summary interests you watch the video posted with each part for more info! Some don’t have individual videos for, I will keep my eyes open for them so I can update this article with them. For those who know they wanna watch it all, here it is! Fire Emblem First off was a really aweso...[Read More]

Marooners’ Rock Interviews Roger Craig Smith on Dying Light, Voice Acting and More

As someone who’s looking forward to Dying Light, we at Marooners’ Rock had the chance to sit down and talk with Roger Craig Smith. Who is Roger Craig Smith? That’s a good question to ask! He’s the voice of Kyle Crane in Dying Light which comes out on January 27, 2015. From our interview we’ve learned a lot about his work voice acting in past games, TV shows, and even ...[Read More]

Marooners’ Rock Game of the Year Picks 2014

With 2014 coming to an end we at Marooners’ Rock have gone through a lot of games this year. While some provided a lot of replay value and others were good for a short time we’ve had to sit down together and pick our own personal titles that we think are GOTY (Game of the Year) for each system.  This year we’ve spoken with each other and listed categories for each device we own.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Customization Items Now Available

Take your operator to the next level with an all new and diverse selection of customization items in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The collections are now available in the in-game store and feature the following goodies: 4 Premium Personalization Packs, which include themed weapon camo, three reticles, player card and emblem item complete with matching exoskeletons and helmet camo. 4 Exoskeleton...[Read More]

Subnautica Early Access Starts!

Subnautica has ventured into Early Access territory on Steam, and the game is already well underway to becoming every aquaphobe’s worst nightmare come true. In development for nearly a year, Unknown Worlds’ Subnautica is not only full of open water adventuring, but is a voyage that players are sure to never forget. Unknown Worlds has big plans for the open water exploration game and ov...[Read More]

Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Now Available Nationwide!

That wait is over – Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- is now available exclusively for the PS3 and PS4 systems. Arc Systems and Aksys Games, developer and publisher of the Guilty Gear series, are bringing back one of the most renowned fighting games of all time. Merging classic fighting game aspects with enhanced mechanics allows for enhanced graphics and dual language options, making Guilty Gear Xrd -...[Read More]

GTA Online Heists Trailer Released

Rockstar Games has released the trailer for Grand Theft Auto Online Heists, the four player co-op mode for Grand Theft Auto Online that allows players to work together to plan out and execute multi-layered heists across Blaine County. Take on specified roles as you team up with three friends in the grandest of schemes that will put your communication and team coordination skills to the test. GTA O...[Read More]

Play As Ciri in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

While many gamers have played both The Witcher and The Witcher 2 CD Projekt RED has revealed that Ciri, the ashen-haired girl of legend, will be a playable character in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt! This is exciting news and we at Marooners’ Rock have been excited for the new game for quite sometime. Below is information on Ciri and a bit of information towards the game. As a descendant of an El...[Read More]

The Thimbleweed Park Kickstarter Ends Thursday, Dec. 18th

Don’t miss out on this exciting campaign to fund a brand new, old school adventure game! The Thimbleweed Park Kickstarter ends this Thursday, December 18th, at 10:00am PST / 1:00pm EST / 6:00pm GMT. Brought to you by Maniac Mansion creators Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, the Thimblweed Park is an upcoming point-and-click adventure featuring a thrilling murder mystery – all set in 1987! ...[Read More]

The Witcher Battle Arena Launches On iOS In Canada

In Canada? Looking for an exciting new MOBA to play? The Witcher Battle Arena has launched on iOS in Canada and is now available! CD Projekt RED and Fuero Games’ free-to-play MOBA – The Witcher Battle Arena – is out now and available for iOS download. In the fast and fun MOBA style game, The Witcher Battle Arena pits two three-hero teams against the each other as they try to capt...[Read More]

The Most Terrifying Game I Ever Played

The year was 2006. Barry Bonds broke the home run record with 715. The Winter Olympics were going on, and Italy won the World Cup by beating France. It was a simpler time. It was also the year I played one of the most terrifying and formative video games I have ever come across. It was a game almost no one else played, having only 150,000 or so copies published in the US. That game was Rule of Ros...[Read More]

It’s Time To Fix “GamerGate,” And Save Our Culture While We Do.

It’s been a long time since I’ve sat down to write anything involving video games. Some of it has been my job, which requires me to write blogs all day, assuring that writing is the last thing I want to do when I get home. Some of it has been my forced exodus from the industry due to personal matters. Life happens and all that. However, there is another reason I stopped not only writing, but stopp...[Read More]

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