Video Games

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor’s Link to Tolkien’s Canon

Our review for Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor is glowing, but I decided to cut a few hundred words out and set them aside on their own. These few hundred words address a simple, but important question: Does Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor fit within Tolkien’s established world? In the review, I answered “Mostly,” and that’s better than many attempts have been. As with Lord o...[Read More]

Is Fish Plays Pokemon the new Twitch Plays Pokemon?

As someone who’s taken part of the Twitch Plays Pokemon fad, I’ve enjoyed any and all streams that use the feature. Recently, the collective was able to beat Pokemon X. However, last night while me and friends (other twitch casters) were talking away on Team Speak about future games we’d be casting along with normal everyday life topics. At one point one informed of us of a nice ...[Read More]

Mario Kart 8 Limited Edition Unboxing

While I admit I do enjoy a good unboxing, it seems that many people in other regions have obtained Mario Kart 8 early. Sadly I guess that some people in the US other than press have a copy as well. However, with any game it was bound to happen, but who cares it’s an unboxing of the Limited Edition, which includes a Blue Shell that isn’t available in North America.

More from C2E2: Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Regin

While at C2E2 this past weekend, I wasn’t just talking about action figures and ogling Spandex-clad gentlemen. While this convention is mostly about comics, there are usually some games on display there as well. I got to chat with some of the team from D3 Publisher, which is the company that brought us one of my favorite Nintendo DS games ever: Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords. They w...[Read More]

Preview: Cloudbuilt (PC)

For some time I’ve been playing Cloudbuilt. What is Cloudbuilt, you ask? Cloudbuilt is Rising Star’s and Coilworks’ upcoming Steam green-lit title; a link is available at the end of the post. With Cloudbuilt releasing soon, we are here with a hands-on preview of the game. As for my first impressions of the game, I can say it was fun as hell, addicting, and great looking, along wi...[Read More]

Latest Nintendo Direct promises an Autumnal Bounty of Fun

It’s slightly old news by now, but on October 1st Nintendo dumped a truckload of new information on us regarding upcoming Wii U and 3DS. One of the cool things they revealed, besides Princess Peach doing a feline floaty jump, was the new cherry power-up in Super Mario 3D World. When one of the Mario Menagerie grabs this cherry they are duplicated. This will surely add some new and unique gam...[Read More]

First Impressions: Wonderful 101: Wii U

Wonderful 101 was one of the games I was most looking forward to in the Wii U’s “launch window”. All early trailers and videos made it look like a game with similar large-scale squadron based gameplay like Pikmin, but with super-powered heroic humans instead of tiny plant critters. Wait, did I just say PikminAND superheroes? Sign me up! I’m a total sucker for mashing together two thing...[Read More]

Next Xbox Details Leaked

There have been a lot of rumors, many contradictory, swirling around the Internet about the as yet unannounced successor to Microsoft’s Xbox 360 console. You may have heard the names Xbox 720 and Nextbox connected to this maelstrom of malarkey. Hatred and praise for this still imaginary device have been flung, dare I say, willy-nilly (pardon my language). Everyone has something to say on the...[Read More]

Problems With An “Always-On” Next Xbox? #dealwithit

There has been a lot of speculation about the next generation of Xbox. The rumored methods that the next Xbox will apply to used games must have Gamestop feeling a bit like Damocles, and has many consumers who are unable (or unwilling) to pay full retail price for games in a state of disappointment and despair. This, while anti-consumer and very frustrating, is at the very least not preventing the...[Read More]

Darksiders II Preview Part 3: Death Vs. Everyone

In part 3 of our Darksiders II preview coverage I’ll be looking at the combat mechanics of the game, both in the context of the game as a whole and as a creature unto itself.

Darksiders II Preview Part 2: The Best RPG Since WoW.

Today, in continuation of our Darksiders II coverage (see part one here), I will be going over what may be the most addicting and, to me, the most appealing portion of Darksiders II: the character customization. Melding an action game with aspects of the RPG genre is not exactly a new idea. We’ve seen more and more of it over the last 5 years, to varying degrees of success, but there is still a wi...[Read More]

Darksiders II Preview Part 1: A New Form of Open World

When I reviewed Darksiders back in 2010, I was pleasantly surprised. As my memories of the game aged, what stuck with me was the untouched potential behind the game and the mythos surrounding it. The initial showings for Darksiders II did nothing to make me feel that there would be any dramatic improvement this time around, and while I held out hope that I might be surprised, my attention shifted ...[Read More]

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