Video Games

Steam Mobile Beta Impressions (Android)

Steam is making its way to the mobile arena on both of the major mobile platforms of the day, iOS and Android. You’ve heard how it looks on iOS, and now, thanks to my friend (and former writer for the site) Austin, you’ll get a chance to hear how it stacks up on an Android device.

Steam Mobile Beta Impressions (iOS)

As some of you may know, Valve released their first attempt at a mobile version of their online storefront, Steam.  Potential users are able to download the app for either Android or iOS from their respective marketplace but be forewarned, this is only a beta.  Users are able to enter their names in the beta pool by simply attempting to log in with their steam account but fear not, I’ve been lucky...[Read More]

Rumor: Microsoft Goes After Used Games

Earlier this week Kotaku reported on as of yet unconfirmed rumors that the next Xbox console will lock-out used games. For many, this seemed like a dramatic and, ultimately, unfair gesture that will hamper many people’s enthusiasm and support for the next generation.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Thoughts

It’s difficult for me to give Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning a fair shake right now. I’ve spent over 100 hours of the last 30 days running around the nearly unrestricted world of Skyrim, and it’s hard to transition from that kind of freedom and visual experience to the more visually Fablesque and linear style of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning without missing it. I loved Fable, I ad...[Read More]

The Legend of Zelda: Setting Sail On a New Voyage

Hyrule Historia, the Holy Grail for Zelda fans that was recently released in Japan, is full of interesting facts. One such interesting fact is a confirmation of a new Zelda game under development. Now, that isn’t exactly startling, considering things that certain Nintendo employees have said recently. What caught my attention, however, is what Eiji Aonuma said that confirmed the development ...[Read More]

Did I Make A Mistake?

Well, the final ten games for Nintendo’s 3DS Ambassador Program have arived, bringing the total up to 20; ten NES games and ten GBA games. But some of you may be asking the question, “Did I make a mistake by purchasing my 3DS early/late?” For those of you aren’t aware, Nintendo decided to drop the price of the 3DS from $250 to $170 earlier this summer. Most of the people wh...[Read More]

I Miss My GBA Games, Nintendo

When the Wii came out, one of the things I was excited about more than anything else (except for the ability to play Twilight Princess) was the Virtual Console. I had always dreamed of playing the games that I missed out on in my childhood, and the Virtual Console was going to help me rectify my mistakes. I could now play Super Metroid, Paper Mario, Yoshi’s Story, Super Mario 64 (before hate...[Read More]

Top 15 Sonic the Hedgehog Episodes

I’ve made no secret of my love for the 90’s cartoon Sonic the Hedgehog, know affectionately to most of its fans as Sonic SatAM. And I will consider it one of the finest shows to come out of American animation. But which of the episodes were the best? Welcome to my top 15 countdown of the best Sonic SatAM episodes.

Is PETA’s Attack on Mario Justified?

(Ed: PETA has released a statement saying this was just a joke… really? “Mario fans: Relax! PETA’s game was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, a fun way to call attention to a serious issue, that raccoon dogs are skinned alive for their fur,” Shakira Croce, PETA’s media coordinator said. “We wish real-life tanukis could fly or swat enemies away with their tails and escape from those who profit fro...[Read More]

A Gamer’s (Early) Mid-life Crisis

I heard your call to action, Dark Souls. I heard the boasts that you shared, declaring yourself one of the most difficult games in history. I decided to take up arms against you and stop your reign of terror. I dimmed the lights, I consumed an unhealthy amount of caffeine; I even turned off my cell phone. But, alas, it is I who has been smitten by your merciless destruction. Today, the dragon has ...[Read More]

Breaking into the Industry: Lessons Learned

To get into the industry is really hard. It helps to know people and to know a thing or two about a specialization in the field. This can be tough for a lot of students and other people to understand without years of rejection from game companies telling you that you are not the type of person they are looking for. So the question is what skills can you learn and how can you get into the industry.

Breaking into the Industry: Top Five Pieces of Advice

For the past few conferences I’ve attended, I have been asking people what the best advice they had for students or anyone else wanting to get in the industry was. The responses ranged from amazing to really, that’s your answer? At times it feels like people don’t want to help students get into the industry, but that’s why I am here to help by compiling my knowledge of what...[Read More]

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