Video Games

Coming Clean: A Tale of Murder

Forgive me, non-denominational-authoritarian-figure-individual-turned-to-for-support-and-absolution, for I have sinned…quite a lot, actually. What is my sin? Murder most foul. I have spent the last 24+ years of my life murdering all who stood in my way without a second thought or a hint of remorse. It started with grues and ghosts, then escalated drastically. From humble beginnings, I grew m...[Read More]

Demo Impressions: Driver: San Francisco (SP)

Driver: San Francisco is one of my most anticipated games this year. I wailed in dismay at the news that it was pushed from August 30th to September 6th, because it meant waiting yet ANOTHER week for a game I want NOW. Conversely, I squealed in delight when I saw the news of the single player demo being released on Tuesday morning. Though the last two days have been filled with life events and oth...[Read More]

Gaming and Giving – An Inspiration Like No Other

I’ve been gaming since around the age of five, and up until last November I thought I had achieved some of the most rewarding and inspiring moments of my gaming life: catching ’em all the first time, vanquishing Ganon for the first time, the list goes on. But something happened over the course of 48 hours from November 19 to November 21 that easily put all of those achievements to sham...[Read More]

The Great Video Game Beauty Pageant

I’m going to admit an embarrassing personality trait here, so be gentle…I always choose to play as females in games. There, now it’s out in the open.

Bad Nintendo Sales=Massive 3DS Price Cut

Sometimes I have difficulty figuring out just what I should be talking about in a given day. Thank you Nintendo for making today so very, very easy for me.

Bankai, Quincy and Hollows: A Primer for Bleach

Tite Kubo’s Bleach is one of the most popular anime in the world right now. And as it’s an urban fantasy/action adventure, it has a lot of terms and ideas that can be confusing for new people. Since a lot of you may not be up to date on the anime, and with the game coming out in just over a week, here’s your chance to learn about a ton of things that pertain to this universe.

I Left My Heart In Monteriggioni

2009 was a pretty horrible year for me. In the course of one weekend I managed to lose my entire family. One was through death, and the others were through a reason I won’t get into, but it was beyond my control and completely blindsided me. To then be only 26 and have no family, no identity… it shocked me to the core. To this day I don’t think I have fully recovered from it, as ...[Read More]

E3 2011: Call of Duty Elite

Call of Duty has never really been my forte. I like the single player, but the multiplayer is brutal for me. I get my ass handed to me every time I log on, and the only way to get better is to, well, get my ass handed to me some more. This doesn’t mean I don’t respect Call of Duty. I loved almost every entry, but I do think the series is going stale for me. We aren’t here to talk about CoD as a wh...[Read More]

13 Pieces of Geek Media to Make You Proud to Be An American

I am a patriotic man at heart. I love this country I live in. Despite all its blemishes and past mistakes…hell, even some of its current mistakes…I think America is the greatest nation on Earth, created by taking in the best people on Earth. And on July fourth, we celebrate everything in America that is good and pure and explode-able in the most spectacular and flashy way possible. And...[Read More]

A 24kb Download: Finding DLC On Disc

Downloadable Content (DLC) has been a total game-changer this generation for consoles. From PC-like expansions, to map packs, we’ve seen just about every type of digital good sold either on Xbox Live Marketplace or the PSN Store. Under all the glitter and gold of really great DLC, is a very dark world. Something much worse than the nickel and dime DLC trick (I’m looking at you Guitar Hero an...[Read More]

Silence is Golden – The Silent Protagonist

It may not be something that we all think about often, but looking back over some of gaming’s notable heroes, there have been those whom have been very vocal about their ambitions and those who’ve played it quietly and cool. How does that affect our perceptions of those characters, what impact does it have on the way we perceive the games we play and is one better than the other? Well,...[Read More]

Celebrating 25 Years of Zelda: A Look to the Past

This year marks The Legend of Zelda’s 25th year in the video game industry, a fact that Nintendo made no bones about at E3 this year, putting on a stunning symphonic display to honor its quarter-of-a-century anniversary. While we’re getting a double-dose of Zelda this year thanks to the releases of Ocarina of Time 3DS recently and Skyward Sword some time this holiday season, let’...[Read More]

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