April 25th: Some people may or may not know this, but reviewers for Marooner’s Rock typically have to buy the games we review. Occasionally we might get lucky, but for most games I post about, I have to spend my hard earned money on. I like to think that by spending my money, I can help other people spend theirs more wisely. When the games are great, it makes it more than worth it. When they are b...[Read More]
Because it’s not that I think Adam is completely wrong about everything he said in his article. It’s that I know Adam is completely wrong about everything he said in his article. A great story has the ability to elevate a great game into a great piece of art.
Last week I finally broke down and got myself an iPhone. There are myriad reasons for doing it, but mostly I was tired of hearing about the games on there and being unable to play them. I spent my first few hours buying games and apps, then the next few hours playing them. After slogging through meaty games like Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2 recently, it felt good to just pick up a game that was noth...[Read More]
After a long, unexpected hiatus we’re back with another Industry Insight! This time we are pleased to have the lovely Amber Green of Activision, who you might all recognize and remember as @ATVI_Amber on Twitter. Not only is she an avid gamer, and a tough Blur opponent, but she knows all about providing good customer service to the community. Read on to hear some sweet pearls of wisdom!
Last month Square Enix announced that a sequel to Final Fantasy XIII would be coming out later this year. While that news was met with applause from some, it also produced a few winces.
Last week, I had the chance to sit in a roundtable discussion with Sony Online Entertainment’s Senior Producer, David Georgeson, and members of other gaming websites. The session, which lasted about an hour long, was not only a ton of fun but gave me a new appreciation for the MMO genre. Georgeson, who boasts an impressive resume, has been working in the industry for over two decades, having...[Read More]
I am both blessed and cursed with a wife who enjoys video games as much as I do. I am blessed, because she is my enabler. I don’t have to justify buying video games, consoles, or other electronics to her, because she understands the compulsion, and revels in it. I am cursed, because we only have one gaming setup, which means that we must learn to share time with our games. As only children, ...[Read More]
This morning I read an article from the Wall Street Journal by author Kay Hymowitz entitled “Where Have The Good Men Gone?” Usually, I enjoy a rant against my gender, but reading what Hymowitz wrote made me unbelievably furious. The piece, linked below, is simply an assault on gamers and “nerds,” one that trivializes our medium and uses it to generalize men in a way that is unfair. It ignores an e...[Read More]
I am in mourning after learning about the sad demise of Guitar Hero. Activision has cancelled the development of the next installment in the Guitar Hero franchise and on top of that, Viacom has sold Harmonix, the developer of the Rock Band series, making it seem very likely that the end is nigh for music rhythm games.