Video Games

No Pokemon RPG on the Wii

Junichi Masuda, co-founder of Game Freak and director of Pokemon Black & White talked with IGN recently about the new Pokemon game coming out for the Wii. Are you excited about that game? Are you thinking that maybe, with the Wii being an online console and all, we could get a fully fleshed out, gotta catch ’em all RPG on the most profitable console out right now? Well you are wrong. Tha...[Read More]

Discuss: An Indepth & Unbiased Look at GameCrush

If you have Twitter, Facebook, access to Google, ears or eyes, you have heard about GameCrush. GameCrush is an adult website which went live in 2010. They identify themselves as “… a fun and inviting way to meet and play other gamers.” Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to some GameCrush PlayDates as well as one of the founders and the community manager. So, leave y...[Read More]

Industry Insight: Michael Winte

This week’s Industry Insight features Michael Winte, Lead Tester for Neversoft. It was really important for us to get a tester’s perspective as many people in the industry begin as a tester, and many people feel that the way to get their foot in the door is by becoming one. As with all of the Industry Insight articles, the same questions will be asked so that the reader can see just ho...[Read More]

Industry Insight: Introduction

For many gamers and geeks, working in the gaming industry is their dream job. The only problem is that it’s a competitive environment and it can be awfully difficult to get into. Then there is also the problem with finding what exactly it is you want to do. Over the coming weeks we will feature interviews with some respected members of the industry to give you all insight into the gaming wor...[Read More]

Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2

Its true. She does. There’s video. And EA thinks this will help sell the game.

Is Casual Gaming Killing the Industry?

The other day I had a thought about the gaming industry as a whole, and the direction it seemed to be heading in, and I wondered if the industry itself was slowly dying from the recent surge in casual gaming. Now, before you all think I’m about to bash the casual gaming genre, please take the time to actually read what I am about to say instead of jumping to conclusions.

Best & Worst Video Games for 2010

It’s officially 2011, so it’s time to recap and present to you all our choices for the best and worst video games that came out in 2010. We’ve all been working on this for months, changing some of our choices as new games came out, but what you see below is what we’ve all finally settled on.

Discuss: Celebrity in Gaming

Yesterday, Twitter personality and community manager extraordinaire SixOkay, through the 15 Minutes Of Game podcast he co-hosts with Twitter personality and game industry marketing extraordinaire Weezul, issued a bit of homework for writers and bloggers concerning the lack of true “celebrity” within the gaming industry. I’ve always hated doing homework, but something tells me thi...[Read More]

Customer Service: Why It’s So Important

During this holiday season, stores and companies will have to deal with many exchanges, many returns, and many disgruntled consumers. When a company creates a product, there will always be problems or issues, and that is why customer service exists. I’ve had my fair share of horrible experiences over the years, but I’ve also had some positive ones that are worth noting. Sadly the bad o...[Read More]

Nintendo DS Tablet? Make it So!

Would you buy a tablet sized DS?

Amazing Fan-Made Assassin’s Creed Video

Every once in awhile a fan will create something so fantastic that it just has to be shared. A YouTube user, known only as hamps19, has recently uploaded a gorgeous homage to Assassin’s Creed.

The 2010 Video Game Awards

In case you missed Spike TV’s 2010 Video Game Awards, we’ve got you covered! Check out everything that happened!

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