
The Nilo Gamer Table: A Board Gaming Table Kickstarter Interview

Over the years, I’ve been keeping a keen eye on many of the board game tables that I’ve glanced at. Alas, when going to events such as PAX East and seeing tables I’d love to own the price tag is what kills the need for one. I often look around Kickstarter or even get random ads that are promoting upcoming Kickstarters the team at Nilo caught my interest. What is Nilo creating? It...[Read More]

Drake Hollow (Xbox One) Preview

In a time where social interaction has been significantly reduced where people are discovering just how useful technology can be to meet that need, we need all of the cooperative games we can get. I’ve always been a bigger fan of cooperative gaming experiences over ones revolving around competition; I’m more into PVE than PVP. I also find that games centered around PVE, especially ones that lack a...[Read More]

Minecraft Dungeons Rune Locations (SPOILERS)

With the game set to release on May 26th, 2020 we’ve had enough time to explore the lands to find quite a few extra levels. Some details on the secret level have been revealed by the team Lords of Gaming. Be warned clicking the link before this is an end game SPOILER! Are you looking to see if the game is worth picking up? You can read my full review located here. While playing online alongs...[Read More]

Video Games, Depression, and Quarantine

Yup. As the title implies, I’ve got depression. The meds help (a lot) but there are still times when apathy paralyzes me and I simply want to lie down and stare at a wall. On the flip side of that, there are times when I need to pace as anxiety and frustration build for no particularly good reason and I cannot find an appropriate outlet.

Bring your frenemies to the party! The Frenemy Pastry Party!

This colorful card game is a light, easy-to-learn quick play. Your objective is to eat most of your character’s favorite cake. You have to collect ingredients and ask your friends if they can help contribute to your ingredient list. Your friends can help you out and lend you ingredients, gaining points for themselves, or say no and fall into that frenemy category.

Recompile features Neon A.I. and Tight Combat, Hands-On Impressions

There is a world inside your computer. Programs, utilities, the internet, and so on. Over 100 years, humans have created a device that can think, calculate, send buckets of data instantaneously, and communicate across the entire planet. Computers have become far more than just a utility. They’re gateways to an entire digital universe that is expanded further and faster than ever. In this dig...[Read More]

Home Is Where You Can Play D&D

I just came back from a year of working in Tokyo. While that might sound like a great, interesting experience, it was also an isolating one. See, my Japanese is mediocre at best and Tokyo is much like New York City; busy, impersonal, unfriendly, and sometimes hostile, though in a more passive-aggressive way than NYC. Between the language barrier, Japanese shyness, and a fairly prevalent distrust o...[Read More]

PAX East 2020: 30XX Hands-On Preview

The sparks and bolts were flying in the Indiemegabooth as 30XX was available for play and demo. Announced just weeks before the beginning of PAX East in Boston, 30XX is the direct sequel to the most Megaman game that is not Megaman, 20XX. 20XX found itself to be a huge hit with its audience as it was lauded for its tight gameplay, strong combat, rouge-like mechanics, and its co-op play. 30XX is a ...[Read More]

MisBits PAX East Preview – Chaotic Mayhem Meets Halo Forge

The year is 2008, you have just gotten back from school or work, and sign on to Xbox Live. You check your Xbox Live messages and see that you have an invite to Halo 3. At this point in time, you have probably already completed the Halo 3 Legendary campaign and well versed in the multiplayer. So what is the alternative? The easiest answer is Halo Forge. Do you remember the wild Duck Hunt or Mongoos...[Read More]

Tiny Build Hellpoint PAX East Preview

Do you ever get stressed out while you are playing video games? What is one video game title or franchise that has stressed you out the most? For me, the one franchise, outside of League of Legends, that has stressed me out the most is the Souls franchise. Yes, you did read that correctly, FromSoftWares beloved Souls franchise stresses me out to no end. Although I may enjoy Dark Souls, I will stil...[Read More]

Aeolis Tournament PAX East Preview

With a quarantine and social distancing decree currently underway, the time for party games is postponed; that is unless the party games have online support and you have friends who play online. At PAX East 2020, we had the opportunity to meet with Beyondfunstudios to preview Aeolis Tournament. In this small but convenient booth, Beyond had to game stations to preview the game. The first station w...[Read More]

The Coma 2 & Pumpkin Jack PAX East Preview

What terrifies you the most? Is it heights, snakes, falling, or the fear of dying alone? In a world where the current economic landscape is uncertain, many are concerned about how they will pay their rent or survive this next month. Despite multiple Triple-A titles releasing between March 20th and April 20th, many have turned to horror or survival games. At the moment, Animal Crossing New Horizons...[Read More]

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