
MisBits PAX East Preview – Chaotic Mayhem Meets Halo Forge

The year is 2008, you have just gotten back from school or work, and sign on to Xbox Live. You check your Xbox Live messages and see that you have an invite to Halo 3. At this point in time, you have probably already completed the Halo 3 Legendary campaign and well versed in the multiplayer. So what is the alternative? The easiest answer is Halo Forge. Do you remember the wild Duck Hunt or Mongoos...[Read More]

Tiny Build Hellpoint PAX East Preview

Do you ever get stressed out while you are playing video games? What is one video game title or franchise that has stressed you out the most? For me, the one franchise, outside of League of Legends, that has stressed me out the most is the Souls franchise. Yes, you did read that correctly, FromSoftWares beloved Souls franchise stresses me out to no end. Although I may enjoy Dark Souls, I will stil...[Read More]

Aeolis Tournament PAX East Preview

With a quarantine and social distancing decree currently underway, the time for party games is postponed; that is unless the party games have online support and you have friends who play online. At PAX East 2020, we had the opportunity to meet with Beyondfunstudios to preview Aeolis Tournament. In this small but convenient booth, Beyond had to game stations to preview the game. The first station w...[Read More]

The Coma 2 & Pumpkin Jack PAX East Preview

What terrifies you the most? Is it heights, snakes, falling, or the fear of dying alone? In a world where the current economic landscape is uncertain, many are concerned about how they will pay their rent or survive this next month. Despite multiple Triple-A titles releasing between March 20th and April 20th, many have turned to horror or survival games. At the moment, Animal Crossing New Horizons...[Read More]

PAX East 2020: Iron Harvest Hands On Preview

At the dawn of a new era comes an alteration to the style of modern combat and warfare. World War I introduced the world to mobile and mechanized warfare, with the innovation of tanks and airplanes. Science, engineering, and the need for war combined with each other to create fearsome machines that made the hardiest of soldiers tremble with fear. Following The Great War, science and technology hav...[Read More]

SpongeBob & Destroy All Humans PAX East Preview

At E3 2019 THQ Nordic revealed that two beloved franchises would be returning to the modern era of consoles; these two franchises are SpongeBob SquarePants and Destroy All Humans. At PAX East 2020, we met with the THQ Nordic team to preview the newest Destroy All Humans and SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated.

Stack-Up! Supporting Veterans Through Gaming

Spend a significant amount of time at any PAX event, and you will eventually encounter some folks wearing red shirts with the words “Stack-Up” emblazoned on the front. The ‘U’, stylized like a flashbang is an unmistakable logo. This year, I had the chance to chat with Stack-Up.org’s founder, Captain Stephen Machuga, US Army (ret) about the story of Stack-Up, their founding, and their mission going...[Read More]

Sail Forth on a Freshly Frosted Adventure

When it comes to the world of gaming, the games that people recognize are typically AAA titles. Often, their indie counterparts fall into the shadow of these billion-dollar franchises and often deemed inferior. Most view the Indie gaming genre as cute pet projects rather than works or creative expressions of art. What the gaming community does not realize is the amount of passion and dedication it...[Read More]

Unless It Moves The Human Heart – The Last of Us

According to author and professor Roger Rosenblatt, writing is not worth much “unless it moves the human heart.” As far as I am concerned, that standard should apply to all forms of art, and video games, my friends, are an art form. In my experience, few games have illustrated the ability to inspire emotion more profoundly than The Last of Us. While weaving a soul tearing narrative and...[Read More]

Persona 5 Royal (PS4) Impressions

A few years ago, P-Studio and Atlus stunned the world with the release of Persona 5, a JRPG revolving around high school drama laced with superhero tropes, mature themes, supernatural beings in strange parallel worlds, and addictive systems that provided hundreds of hours of play. Committing to Persona 5 is a journey, one that’s more like a televised series than most RPGs, as each section could be...[Read More]

Ambition: A Minuet in Power Hands-On Preview

We’ve previously covered upcoming indie romance roguelike Ambition: A Minuet in Power. After a successful debut showing at PAX East this year, it’s clear that the team at Joy Manufacturing Co. is making solid progress on this unique title. I recently had a chance to sit down with the PAX demo of the game for an extended session, and feel confident that this game is going to turn some heads when it...[Read More]

Infernax Expands Castlevania 2 and Zelda 2 Designs with Bloody Brutality

I played a ton of games at PAX West back in September. In fact, I had an appointment almost every hour and they were often spread throughout the area. Somehow, I made it every single meeting and while I wasn’t able to share about every single session, there are several that stand out that I still think about. One of those games is Infernax, a violent display of retro-inspired, heavy metal brutalit...[Read More]

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