Amid all the new systems, games, bundles and other shenanigans throughout E3, one common theme can be discerned amid the mix of disconcerting euphoria: Gaming should be enjoyed by all, not just some. Is this the trend we can expect to see the upcoming generation of gaming to follow? Is it the path that has the interests of all gamers–and not just some–in mind?
Nintendo did their thing, a new console was shown and my body was ready for it. Was yours? What did you think about what Nintendo is dishing out? More importantly, does this newest development make you want to sink some money into Nintendo once again?
In an effort to combat the abundance of malefic and inappropriate behavior in their popular online multiplayer game League of Legends, Riot Games Inc. introduced a disciplinary system known as the Tribunal on May 24. This system allows players the ability to judge their peers who have been reported for violating the Summoners’ Code – a set of rules published by Riot to ensure courteous play and a ...[Read More]
Well, it is now June and April ended a long time ago…so many of you have to be wondering why we are announcing the winners of our latest contest now. The answer is quite simple really: PSN crashed and burned right before our eyes and we had to wait for it to return in all its glory. So, now that trophies have been synced and we can access the profiles of the competitors, who is the big winne...[Read More]
Everyone has their own opinion about what video games are the best that have ever graced a console. What makes this top ten list different and totally unique is that my opinion is, in fact, the correct opinion, whereas the opinions of the past are incorrect and undeniably inferior. Actually, to call it my “opinion” is in itself misleading, as it is no mere opinion, but solid, irrefutab...[Read More]
During the great console wars of the 16-bit era, I proudly proclaimed myself a Sonic man (or boy, rather, given my age at the time). I sat in front of my Genesis for hours on the classic Sonic games, and even found appreciation in some of the finer modern Sonic games later on down the line. Truth be told, though, the last Sonic game I was excited about was a bit of a disappointment. I’ve kep...[Read More]
Conduit 2, the sequel to 2008’s The Conduit, was released for the Nintendo Wii console in mid-late April to what can only be described as…varying reviews. Seeing wildly disparate reviews is not uncommon on the Internet, where everyone has a chance to be heard (if they yell loud enough); not everyone is going to have the same opinion of a game depending on personal preference, experience, and more....[Read More]
Update: A few minutes ago Ubisoft unveiled the upcoming Assassin’s Creed game, Revelations, along with details. How accurate was I? Take a look here! Authors Note: After I started to write this, two new video reveals have been presented so they will be broken down and analyzed below as well. As future video reveals are released I will continue to update this article. For a few days the Inter...[Read More]
Is online connectivity really all it’s cracked up to be? In the wake of Sony completely losing their online service for over a week, I just have to ask one potentially-obvious-but-maybe-not question: Do we as gamers really need online? In this modern era of gaming where so much is convenient and instantaneous, is online service a necessity, the future of gaming, a perk that we take for grant...[Read More]
April 25th: Some people may or may not know this, but reviewers for Marooner’s Rock typically have to buy the games we review. Occasionally we might get lucky, but for most games I post about, I have to spend my hard earned money on. I like to think that by spending my money, I can help other people spend theirs more wisely. When the games are great, it makes it more than worth it. When they are b...[Read More]
Because it’s not that I think Adam is completely wrong about everything he said in his article. It’s that I know Adam is completely wrong about everything he said in his article. A great story has the ability to elevate a great game into a great piece of art.
Last week I finally broke down and got myself an iPhone. There are myriad reasons for doing it, but mostly I was tired of hearing about the games on there and being unable to play them. I spent my first few hours buying games and apps, then the next few hours playing them. After slogging through meaty games like Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2 recently, it felt good to just pick up a game that was noth...[Read More]