
Arcade Paradise Hands-on Preview PAX East 2022

When you think of a cute sim game, what do you think of? Most gamers will typically name off at least one Nintendo title in their top 10 cutest games list. Games such as Animal Crossing, or other titles such as Slime Rancher. These cute franchises have excelled due to cute characters but also addicting gameplay elements. Where some games thrive in one area, they fall short in others. Sadly, this i...[Read More]

Tin Hearts PAX East 2022 Preview

Hey Rockers. When you think of cute games, what do you think of? Most gamers will typically name off at least one Nintendo title in their top 10 cutest games list. Games such as Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Kirby, It Takes Two, Lego, Pikmin, Sonic, Little Big Planet, Yoshi, and Slime Rancher. So what do all these games have in common? Cute and potentially iconic characters but sometimes an emotional ...[Read More]

PAX East 2022 Hands-on with The Forest Cathedral

We may be entering the age of spaceflights, artificial intelligence, and augmenting the human body with cybernetic parts, but we cannot escape a fundamental rule. Humans are part of nature. Every fiber, atom, and DNA strand of our being is tied to this planet and the natural world. However, as a dominant and evolved species that has chartered most of the planet, we have had an impact, both good an...[Read More]

Hands-on with Dolmen during PAX East 2022

Space is filled with the darkest of terrors, but humankind, in its ambitions to explore, seems to be unfazed in pushing the limits of science. Humans could not be more naive about the dangers of science. Every step towards progress puts another step towards darkness. When a special energy resource is trapped on a derelict space station, one must brave the monstrosities of science. Dolmen from Prim...[Read More]

My Friendly Neighborhood & Sucker for Love PAX East 2022 Preview

Although PAX EAST 2022 was two weeks ago, we still want to provide you with content from the event, especially for some of our favorite games. We intended to do this the week after PAX East, but sadly, I was the only one from the Maroonersrock team that contracted COVID. Despite being under the weather and busy schedules, we have tried to provide you with content you would enjoy. Now, I am pleased...[Read More]

WW1 Isonzo PAX East 2022 Preview

When it comes to World War 1, not many games capture the essence of the time period. Typically, most people alive today focus more on World War II rather than World War 1. This is partially due to the horrendous acts seen in WW2 that we are sadly seeing repeated today. Acts such as genocide, an increase in the wage gap, human rights violations, and war crimes are sadly reoccurring. But it is impor...[Read More]

The Last Worker Hands-On Pax East 2022 Preview

During Pax East 2022, I was invited to get a look at an upcoming game that caught my interest well before the convention. The game was from the publishing team Wired Productions. The game, The Last Worker is being developed by Oiffy & Wolf and Wood. Before we dive into our preview and talk about the experience I went through playing the game, I have to say this is one Indie Game that I am look...[Read More]

We Were Here Forever PAX East 2022 Preview

During conventions, it is very rare for someone to play the same demo more than once at a convention. With so many games to see and panels to attend, each attendee’s time is precious; however, there are times when a demo stands out for one reason or another and you have to play it again. At PAX East, it is a luxury to be able to play a game’s demo without having to wait in a long line....[Read More]

TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge PAX East 2022 Preview

Rockers, the foot clan has struck again at PAX East. For the second PAX East in a row, Covid has struck again and the foot clan has managed to spread their across the world through unsuspecting convention gathers. Sadly, this is the second time they’ve gotten me. Luckily, after our appointment with Focus Home Interactive, we should be able to take down Shredder and the foot clan. This time w...[Read More]

The Last Hero of Nostalgaia Hands On Preview PAX East 2022

Darkness falls across the land, 2D pixels are close at hand. Creatures crawling in search of pigment will terrorize your neighborhood. As we all know, Soulsbourne games are becoming more popular. This is partially due to the success of Elden Ring and in a way the PS5 exclusive Demon Souls. During our time at PAX East 2022, we had the opportunity to preview multiple Soulsbourne-like games. Look for...[Read More]

Kiba Walker Interview Ohayocon 2022 (Long Bronzed Gilbert)

With PAX East 2022 just around the corner, we are determined to catch up on any and all interviews that may have fallen through the word work. Despite our chaotic schedule and convention preparation, we know that you would love to hear more about the different voice actors that bring to life certain characters. The next interview we have for you is with voice actor Kiba Walker. At Ohayocon 2022, w...[Read More]

Barry Yandell Interview Ohayocon 2022

Earlier this year, we shared with you an interview we had with voice actor Robert Mungle from Ohayocon 2022. Due to unforeseen circumstances in my personal life, I have not been able to share all the interviews from this event in a timely manner; however, now with a completely free day, we have the opportunity to share some of the interviews we did at Ohayocon 2022. This time, we had the opportuni...[Read More]

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