Movies & TV

George Takei is coming to Big Bang Theory!

I love The Big Bang Theory. Chris loves The Big Bang Theory. We watch it religiously every week when new episodes are on, and can’t wait for its return on its new Thursday time slot starting on September 23rd at 8:00. So far we’ve had Evil Wil Wheaton, the amazing Stan Lee, and others, but nothing could prepare us for the gloriousness of George Takei.

Conan Finally Reveals the Name of his TBS Show

Today, via Twitter, Conan O’Brien announced the name of his new TBS show that starts this November 8th. For awhile there has been speculation as to what it would be called since obviously “The Tonight Show” and “The Late Show” is already taken (damn you NBC…).

Iron Fist Gets Immortalized On Film

No, not Iron Man. That’s Tony Stark. He’s the robot guy. This is the karate guy.

The Walking Dead Start Walking On Halloween

In a bit of extraordinarily good timing, it has been revealed via the Hollywood Reporter that AMC’s zombielicious new show The Walking Dead will debut on Halloween.

New X-Men movie casts everyone in the world

Oliver Platt, Rose Byrne and Jason Flemyng are enrolling in First Class along with the other 1.2 billion people cast so far.

Missing Lightsaber scene from Return of the Jedi released

Two days ago George Lucas announced at Celebration V that Star Wars would be coming to Blu-Ray. Even though Lucas is a complete ass, and seems to hate the fans (Jar Jar Binks, not giving us a remastered Original Trilogy, etc), he tried to make everything seem awesome with the addition of…wait for it…additional footage that was left on the cutting room floor.

Star Wars finally comes to Blu-Ray fall 2011

Big news from the Star Wars Celebration V. George Lucas has announced that the film series that made him a household name is going high def in 2011.

Dammit Jim, I am the law!

Judge Dredd has been cast. Karl Urban will be the face of the man whose face is not seen in the big screen reboot of 2000 A.D.’s flagship character.

The Crow Remake – The News So Far

The Crow was an intense film about life, death and revenge. Now it looks like a second round is on the way.

Sucker Punch Preview

After the mind warp that Inception was, you’re probably wondering when the next one will wander onto the silverscreen. The answer, 2011. The film, Sucker Punch.

I’m Still Here – Movie Poster Released

Well over a year ago, Joaquin Phoenix seemed to fall off the diving board of sanity, landing a superb belly flop into the swimming pool of ridiculous celebrity behavior.  2009 saw Joaquin entertain us to an extent unimaginable by even General Maximus Decimus Meridius.  With Casey Affleck (younger brother of the manager of Fashionable Male at the mall) filming every minute of his delirium for a ...[Read More]

Lee Pace Rumored to Join ‘Breaking Dawn’ Cast. Wait… WTF?

Actor Lee Pace, most known for the hilarious and lovely little show ‘Pushing Daisies‘, is a great actor. I love watching him perform, especially in the highly stylized, brilliant art film ‘The Fall‘. Since then, he’s also been seen in Tom Ford‘s directorial debut ‘A Single Man‘ and can be seen in the recently released to DVD romantic comedy ‘Wh...[Read More]

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