
More Horror to Go Around

Sega of America has revealed their new horror game, Rise of Nightmares. It’s twisted, fun, and a little like Resident Evil.

Give Me A PS3 (Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD PS3 Remake)

I need a PS3.  If any of our wonderful readers would like to donate a brand new PS3, please send me an email and I’ll give you my shipping address.  Think of it this way, not only will you have done a good deed in selflessly making another individual very happy, you will also be able to see PS3 game reviews more frequently on World of Meh!  It’s win-win!

Radiant Silvergun coming to XBLA

I’ve failed to impress upon you the adoration I have for Ikaruga.  I recognize that failing, and apologize for it.  Allow me to rectify (hehe, rectify) this by saying that I LOVE IKARUGA.  With that being said, my heart skipped a beat today when I saw that Radiant Silvergun, the game which Ikaruga drew heavily from, will be released as an exclusive to XBLA in 2011.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 – Tron Bonne & X-23

Personally, I’m not particularly excited about either of these characters appearing in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but hey, maybe one of you guys happens to be shit-your-pants excited about it.  Tron Bonne was an antagonist in a Mega Man game who developed feelings for Mega Man (or some such crap), and X-23 is a female clone of Wolverine (this makes how many clones/derivatives of Wolverine now?).

Review: MahJong Journey: Quest for Tikal (DS)

A few weeks ago I received a copy of MahJong Journey: Quest for Tikal from MumboJumbo Games. Normally I have reviews up within a couple of days, so one might wonder as to why I’ve taken so long getting this up…and the answer is simple: I didn’t want to put it down.

Devil May Cry Reboot Coming

Huh. File this one under “Didn’t see that coming.” Dante is going back to basics in franchise reboot DMC.

Ico And Shadow Of The Colossus Collection Confirmed

One of the worst kept secrets of current gaming finally gets confirmed. Team ICO is giving its games the PS3make treatment.

Planet MiniGolf DLC Arrives!

Planet MiniGolf is experiencing an expansion with the release of “Stronghold Island” – the DLC available September 21!

Faery: Legends of Avalon Screenies!

I love screenshots because no matter how much hype a studio creates about their upcoming release, it’s the graphics that catch my eye! So, let’s take a look at some of the awesomeness that is going to be Faery: Legends of Avalon in November!

Congrats RedLynx & Trials HD

Trials HD, an Xbox Live Arcade game by RedLynx has reached a level not many XBLA games have been able to reach! Let’s celebrate their hard work…

Happy 25th Anniversary, Mario!

Mario Mario is one of the most recognizable characters in video game history.  Of course, after 25 years of working the pipes, it would be terribly disappointing for him if he wasn’t at the top of the game.  Though he started off closer to 30 years ago by the name of “Jumpman” in the Donkey Kong arcade game, his real claim to fame started in 1985 when Super Mario Bros. was releas...[Read More]

Review: TerRover (PSN)

I just want to hug the crap out of him! And then kick the crap out of him…

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