
Evolution Of Pixar: Robots Can Fall In Love

Wall-E. Pixar took us to ground level & beyond with A Bug’s Life. They took us to the depths of the ocean with Finding Nemo. And now we venture into space with one of the most loveable characters ever created.

Evolution Of Pixar: Dinner & Rats

Pixar’s next feature took a rather disgusting concept and made a very brilliant movie out of it. The idea of a rat cooking your food is pretty repulsive but Pixar makes it work. Ratatouille was yet another effort that enthralled audiences both young  old, but this is the one I feel was more enjoyed by the older crowd.

Evolution Of Pixar: The Incredibles & Cars

And Pixar continues it’s magical streak with one of my favorite films of all time. Not just animated,in general. The Incredibles is an astonishing piece of work that it’s cue from the superhero lore (one obvious inspiration being the mighty Watchmen).

Evolution Of Pixar: Monsters & Fish Oh My!

So three highly successful films,one being the rare sequel that tops the original. Surely they must run out steam right?I mean they already resorted to a sequel so maybe they’re out ideas right? Well their next film is about the world of monsters.

Evolution Of Pixar: Bugs & More Toys

So Pixar made their first movie & made a killing at the box office. Pixar took their success with a grain of salt though & opted not to just get lazy. Their second feature is in my honest opinion, very underrated.

Evolution Of Pixar: Toy Story

In 1995 Pixar released the groundbreaking Toy Story. I have very fond memories if seeing this film during the Thanksgiving break when I was ten years old. I remember my parents dropping me off for the first showing on opening day (why that was important to me is still unknown. I was ten so whatever). The commercials on I saw on TV were nothing short of amazing & to a child like me, it was a mu...[Read More]

The Evolution Of Pixar

This summer brought us the spectacular Toy Story 3. The film was a beautiful and perfect ending to the Toy Story saga (which by the way,saga is more worthy of a title here than those damn Twilight movies but I digress). But as I left the theater I began to wonder what I’m sure many have wondered: How in the bloody hell has the studio Pixar been able to pull off what they have so far?

Lee Pace Rumored to Join ‘Breaking Dawn’ Cast. Wait… WTF?

Actor Lee Pace, most known for the hilarious and lovely little show ‘Pushing Daisies‘, is a great actor. I love watching him perform, especially in the highly stylized, brilliant art film ‘The Fall‘. Since then, he’s also been seen in Tom Ford‘s directorial debut ‘A Single Man‘ and can be seen in the recently released to DVD romantic comedy ‘Wh...[Read More]

One Thing to Look Forward To: Heroes Season 4 DVD Release

With the August 3rd DVD release of the fourth and final season of NBC’s ‘Heroes‘, I’ve been forced to reminisce about the show that in many ways changed my life.

Summer Playlist

If you’re a music buff like me, you have a playlist for every occasion, every season, every single private dance party. Of all the playlists I make, however, the one I most enjoy is my summer playlist. Though it’s not solely comprised of light, warming tunes, it keeps me going on both the drab days and the days I feel like taking in the hot summer sun. This is a very limited recommenda...[Read More]

SoulPancake: Website of Life’s Little (And BIG) Questions

Have you ever wondered anything at all? Have you ever had a thought you wanted to convey to the world? Maybe you are looking for a place for answers, or maybe you are looking for a place to share your knowledge on life’s questions. Whatever the case, may be the right place for you.

Leonard Nimoy Explores ‘Secret Selves’

Famous Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy has done it again. No, he has not been featured in yet another Star Trek film as pointy eared Vulcan, Spock. Mr. Nimoy has done it again by releasing a new photography series, long awaited by fans of both his art and film, to be featured this weekend at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art.

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