
Huggies Jeans…Diapers?

Lately I’ve been watching television, which is rare since I mostly spend my time either playing video games or on the computer. One commercial in particular has caught my eye, and as I type this, it’s on TV. No lie. httpv:// Huggies diapers, that look like jeans. Why? Fortunately they are limited edition, because I think these are just horrid. There i...[Read More]

Movie Madness

Yesterday Chris and I went to see ‘Grown Ups,’ the new Adam Sandler movie. While the movie itself was great, almost everything else about it wasn’t. Normally we go to Edwards Cinemas up in River Park, but Chris wanted to go all the way out to Sierra Vista because of the amazing candy store, Powell’s Sweet Shoppe. We arrived at the theater to buy tickets 5 minutes after the ...[Read More]

Resident Evil: Revelations 3DS Trailer

So I was browsing around this gaming press site I am a member of, looking for press releases and what not, and all of a sudden I saw this little blurb about a Resident Evil trailer for Nintendo 3DS. Oh reallllllly….. Resident Evil has always been a favorite for me, but they lost me with RE:5. I just wasn’t feeling it, but I think Revelations might be something pretty awesome. The trail...[Read More]

My Birthday Wish List

With my 28th (I know, I’m so old) birthday coming up in just 5 days, I feel a wish list is in order. If little kids can get away with it, then I have every right to have a list too. The items listed range from highly unlikely to possible, and are placed in no particular order. So with that…here’s my wish list. New Washing Machine If you happened to read the post yesterday about o...[Read More]

Calling Dr. Osbourne

I am a fan of Ozzy Osbourne, for the most part.  I believe that his work with Black Sabbath was crucial to the development of heavy metal as we know it today, and I would gladly list the Paranoid album as one of my top 25 favorite albums of all time.  I would gladly list Crazy Train as one of my top 25 favorite songs of all time.  Granted, he was not always perfect, but what he did right was essen...[Read More]

Insanely Cheap Comic Books

While browsing one of my favorite time-killer sites, I saw an article that grabbed my immediate attention. I like comic books. I like them even better when they’re cheap, and let me tell you brother, this is cheap. Barnes & Noble is discounting select bargain books by around 80% (some higher, some lower). I purchased Wolverine: Weapon X, Wolverine by Claremont and Miller, and Ultimates 2...[Read More]

Blogathon Announcement: And Our Charity is….

Hello there World of Meh! readers. Last month I told you all that we would be doing the Blogathon again this year. I also hinted at what our charity would be. I did get a couple of guesses, but nobody got it right. With sign-ups officially starting on July 1st, I figured I should let you all in on who we have chosen this year. Think you know who it could be? I’m proud to announce that this y...[Read More]

Our Sunday Snafu

Sunday was a crazy day. We were both exhausted from our Anniversary celebration the night before, and I was even more tired because I went to sleep feeling a little sick and with a migraine. That morning, Chris made us a delicious breakfast and then we found out about that fantastic Blur game deal, so we were off to do that. Afterwards we cleaned in preparation for his family member who would star...[Read More]

Review: Blur (X360)

Back in March, I was fortunate enough to grab a code for the Blur multiplayer beta.  I tried it out, and enjoyed it immensely, but didn’t play more than a couple of days due to time restraints.  Eventually, Blur fell out of my thoughts, and it seemed long forgotten.  Forgotten, that is, until yesterday, when Lindsey found this gem.  With the opportunity to get a $59.99 game for the low, low ...[Read More]

Missing Monday

Some of you may have noticed that our recent streak of weekday productivity was broken yesterday.  Do not take this as a sign of things to come!  We had a catastrophe on Sunday (which Lindsey will go into more detail on later in the day), and we had a family member come to stay with us yesterday after a minor surgery, so our attention has, unfortunately, been directed elsewhere.  But hey, this cou...[Read More]

Xbox Live Arcade ‘Inventory Blowout’, Deal of the Week, and More!

Now through Tuesday, June 21st, get massive discounts on many Xbox Live Arcade titles. Sadly, we own most of the ones listed so we can’t fully take advantage of this deal, but this is fantastic for those of you who are wanting to expand your XBLA library.

Resident Evil: Afterlife Trailer

Well I’m a little late to the zombie party. Apparently back in April the trailer for the new Resident Evil movie was released, and I’m just now getting around to it. Oops! Resident Evil: Afterlife takes place in Los Angeles. Alice, played by Milla Jovovich, got a tip that LA was a safe haven from the infection, but when she arrives Alice quickly discovers that the entire city has been ...[Read More]

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