
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for iPhone & iPod Touch

Oh man, I need to get this game. OK… so, if you took any English or Literature classes, you will be familiar with the novel known as Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. No? Well, maybe you were sick that day. Anyways, some genius individual went and rewrote the book, and while everything is basically kept the same, they added zombies. I love zombies, and I’m sure when the zombie apocal...[Read More]

The Divine Tragedy

Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy is regarded as one of the greatest pieces of literature in the world, and the greatest literary work of Italy.  It is not only the direct source of the official Christian imagery, structure, and function of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, but it is also responsible for establishing the Tuscan dialect as the standard dialect of the Italian language.  It is a true ...[Read More]

Why I’m Starting to Hate Facebook

Having had a Facebook account for a few years now, and in the recent year started to use it more, I’m really starting to get sick of it. I originally joined Facebook to make contact with friends I went to school with, and wanted something more mature than shitty Myspace. Myspace was filled with all of those stupid glittery .gif comments, so much spam, and nasty dudes trying to get their dick...[Read More]

How Many Justin Biebers Could You Fight?

Thanks to my friend Mike, otherwise known as Ognawk, I came across this little gem on The Oatmeal. I can’t stand Justin Bieber, or anything else remotely close to his teenybopper bullshit, so this little game was right up my alley. By answering a few questions, you are then given the amount of Justin Biebers you would be able to fight, kill, dismember, etc. Should I end up in a burly brawl a...[Read More]

Twitter Trending Topic – Eclipse Soundtrack

Have you ever witnessed a moment in time that has been so profound that it went on to define your entire life?  I have just experienced such a moment.  Brace yourselves, people, because this is a big one: The Twlight Eclipse Soundtrack is available to preview in its entirety, today only, for FREE!  HOLY FUCK! At approximately 10:00 am today, the official Twilight Twitter account tweeted the heart-...[Read More]

Stupid, stupid Moogle

This morning, after a terrible night of sleep, I rolled over to see Chris frantically getting dressed for work. Thinking that he was running late, I checked the clock on my iPhone only to see that it was 6:24. Since Chris has to leave at 6:30, and was obviously not running late, I asked him what was wrong. Chris then started telling me how when he went into the laundry room this morning to get a p...[Read More]

Missing Girl: Please Help!

Readers of Meh, this is not a joke (seriously). On Facebook, not even 5 minutes ago a friend of ours posted a disturbing update. A friend of his has a daughter who is missing. Please read below for more information, and spread the word. Help these people find their little girl. Kelsey is described as: Hair: Strawberry-Blonde Eyes: Green Height: 5’6″ Weight: 115 lbs The family is also p...[Read More]

Come Over to Chris’ Kitchen (or C.O.C.K.) – Mast-o-khiar

It’s been one week since my last post. This is not because I had nothing to say. On the contrary, it is because I had absolutely nothing to say. I was giving this some thought this morning, and became determined that there would be some form of content from me today. Unfortunately, determination does not necessarily inspire quality.  I mulled this realization over, when suddenly, I realized ...[Read More]

The Guatemalan Sinkhole: My Solution

People of Earth, by now you’ve heard that over the weekend, a massive sinkhole swallowed up a building in Guatemala. Now, some of you might think that our planet is becoming angry with us. I think that the recent sinkhole is a blessing in disguise. Rumored to be about 200 feet deep, the sinkhole makes the perfect place to send criminals. Before you move your mouse cursor to click away, hear ...[Read More]

Toe Noes!

(Disclaimer: In the post you are about to read, the images used are NOT our feet. I used them so that there wasn’t just a wall of text. The only true image, which is of my painted toes, is the one on the main page for the scroll bar header. I’d rather cut off my feet than have some of the toes below….) Over the past couple of days, I have suffered through not one, but two injurie...[Read More]

We’re Doing Blogathon Again!

For those of you who were around last year, in July Chris and I participated in this fabulous, and draining, thing called a Blogathon. A Blogathon is where, for 24 hours straight, we put up a new post every 30 minutes – and we make no profit from it. Doing the Blogathon was crazy, hectic, semi-stressful (mostly due to us having a lot to do on that day), but it was for charity, and that made ...[Read More]

Mayo Mayhem

I honestly don’t even know how to start this off without laughing hysterically, but I will try. Very rarely do I use mayo. Why? Because it’s basically eggs and oil combined to create a creamy white substance. I do not care for creamy white substances in my mouth, and you may interpret that however you want. On sandwiches I prefer mustard, but with my reflux, the vinegar in mustard just...[Read More]

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