WWDC has just ended, and the announcements have been truly exciting. Everyone knew the new iPhone would be announced and displayed today, and because of the recent leaks, most people knew what to expect. That didn’t make it any less enjoyable. Before we get into the iPhone announcement, however, let’s go over some of the lead-in announcements that deserve to be spotlighted. First of...[Read More]
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!? The 2010 FIFA World Cup starts this Friday, June 11, and runs through Sunday, July 11. There are a lot of games, on a lot of days, at a lot of different times. It can be hard to keep track of who’s playing who, and when they’re doing it. Fear not, for there is hope! Last week I stumbled across a wonderfully designed interactive schedule for the 201...[Read More]
This will be a fairly short post, as most of the details of the topic at hand will not be divulged. Last night, Lindsey and I were fooling around with a bit of intensity, when she demanded that I bring myself closer to her so that we could be more comfortable. Being in the moment, she did not want to waste time with too many words, however. As such, the words she chose to use in this situation ...[Read More]
I was never bit by the MMORPG bug in the way most people are. I tried World of Warcraft for a month or two, but eventually got tired of paying a monthly subscription fee just to grind a character. I only started World of Warcraft in the first place because there was a promotion for a free week of play, and I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about. Since that time, I haven’t touched a...[Read More]
Please allow me to preface this story by telling you a little about my childhood. I was very sheltered as a child. I was the “good boy” that never got into any serious trouble, never did anything dangerous, never had too many friends, never participated in social activities, etc. I was not allowed to be exposed to the world most other children were exposed to. I don’t regret ...[Read More]
Oh man, I need to get this game. OK… so, if you took any English or Literature classes, you will be familiar with the novel known as Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. No? Well, maybe you were sick that day. Anyways, some genius individual went and rewrote the book, and while everything is basically kept the same, they added zombies. I love zombies, and I’m sure when the zombie apocal...[Read More]
Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy is regarded as one of the greatest pieces of literature in the world, and the greatest literary work of Italy. It is not only the direct source of the official Christian imagery, structure, and function of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, but it is also responsible for establishing the Tuscan dialect as the standard dialect of the Italian language. It is a true ...[Read More]
Having had a Facebook account for a few years now, and in the recent year started to use it more, I’m really starting to get sick of it. I originally joined Facebook to make contact with friends I went to school with, and wanted something more mature than shitty Myspace. Myspace was filled with all of those stupid glittery .gif comments, so much spam, and nasty dudes trying to get their dick...[Read More]
Thanks to my friend Mike, otherwise known as Ognawk, I came across this little gem on The Oatmeal. I can’t stand Justin Bieber, or anything else remotely close to his teenybopper bullshit, so this little game was right up my alley. By answering a few questions, you are then given the amount of Justin Biebers you would be able to fight, kill, dismember, etc. Should I end up in a burly brawl a...[Read More]
Have you ever witnessed a moment in time that has been so profound that it went on to define your entire life? I have just experienced such a moment. Brace yourselves, people, because this is a big one: The Twlight Eclipse Soundtrack is available to preview in its entirety, today only, for FREE! HOLY FUCK! At approximately 10:00 am today, the official Twilight Twitter account tweeted the heart-...[Read More]
This morning, after a terrible night of sleep, I rolled over to see Chris frantically getting dressed for work. Thinking that he was running late, I checked the clock on my iPhone only to see that it was 6:24. Since Chris has to leave at 6:30, and was obviously not running late, I asked him what was wrong. Chris then started telling me how when he went into the laundry room this morning to get a p...[Read More]