
Review: Dragon Age: Origins Awakening (X360)

I should probably start this review off saying that I am a big BioWare fan. I cracked out on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire, so I wasn’t shocked when I lost many hours of my life to Dragon Age: Origins. Being a huge RPG fan, I found Dragon Age to be fantastic. When a proper expansion was announced, I was excited and counted down the days. Three DLC packs had already been re...[Read More]

Life Updates

Since it’s been awhile, I figured it’s only proper to update you all on what has happened these past several months. Actually, I don’t know who I’m kidding since nobody will be reading this, but here it goes anyways…. As of the end of last year, November I believe, Donnie was no longer with us. I should probably clarify that Donnie didn’t die, but he was re-home...[Read More]

Happy Towel Day!

Hey there, you hoopy froods!  I hope you all know where your towels are, because today is Towel Day!  Usually, at this point, I would say something like, “What is Towel Day, I hear you asking?” but not this time.  If you know what Towel Day is, or you recognize the multiple references contained herein and are able to extrapolate the meaning of Towel Day from those references, then you ...[Read More]

Slipknot Bassist Found Dead

Paul Gray, bassist for Slipknot, and also known as #2 or “The Pig.” was found dead this morning in a TownPlace Suites hotel room by one of the employees. Police are saying that they don’t believe that foul play was involved (hooray for chickens) but some are speculating a drug overdose. He was only 38. Before their self-titled album was released, I was a fan of Slipknot. I rememb...[Read More]

Halo: Reach

Earlier this month, those who purchased Halo 3: ODST were treated to early access to the Halo: Reach multiplayer beta.  Lindsey and I were lucky enough to participate in the multi-player beta, and came away from it with differing opinions.  Briefly, she hates it, and I have mixed feelings about it. Lindsey’s distaste for the game stems from the incorporation of armor abilities.  For those of...[Read More]

No More Heroes

On Friday, May 14th,  it was announced that the bastards at NBC pulled the plug on Heroes. NBC has been doing a lot of stupid things lately (don’t even get me started on the whole Conan bit…) so I suppose we can add this to their long list of fuck-ups.

Almighty Mr. Ice for iPhone

Over the past few days I’ve been looking for some new iPhone games to get, and when scrolling through the recent titles I saw one named Almighty Mr. Ice. When I read the description, it looked like a simple little side-scrolling platformer, and was similar to Mario. I started to become genuinely interested in downloading it until I looked at the screenshots. In this shot right here, everythi...[Read More]

Fable III

First, I feel I should clear the air about my experiences with Fable II.  When last I spoke of Fable II, I believe I was a bit harsh in my judgement of the game.  In July of 2009, shortly after we received our Xbox 360 Elite, I set myself to playing Fable II.  As my first impression review stated, I was not impressed with it in comparison to the original Fable.  I picked the game up again in Novem...[Read More]

Twitter Messes Up Again (Shocker!)

For the past couple of days, Twitter has been…unreliable. Sure we’ve had problems with Twitter in the past, and feel like the Fail Whale is a part of the family, but it’s getting to be a bit too much. Last night the dreaded Fail Whale started making multiple appearances on peoples screens, when trying to tweet error messages were popping up claiming server and internal errors, an...[Read More]

Official World of Meh Twitter Account Created!

So I caved, and created a separate Twitter account for WoM. Why? Because it’s easier that way. I have it linked up so that all of the Facebook Fan Page posts get automatically posted there, and I have it so that all blog posts are created into a Tweet. It will make it a lot easier, and I like the idea of having it separate from my Twitter Feed. If you are on Twitter, please be sure to follow...[Read More]

Subway vs. Panera Bread

Yesterday I got an email from Subway informing me that they had come out with a new sandwich called Orchard Chicken Salad. I love chicken salad sandwiches. I love them so much that I had chicken salad sandwiches at the baby shower for my daughter several years ago, and they were delicious. Now, I was skeptical about Subway’s interpretation of a good chicken salad because Panera Bread already...[Read More]

Mad Libs!

A couple of weeks ago we announced that we would be sharing some of the ridiculous Mad Libs that we do together in bed before we go to sleep. Today, I bring you some more. As always, I will post the ones I asked Chris to fill in, and he will post the ones where I provided the answers. I’ll be nice and issue a disclaimer again: loads of penis references, bizarre stuff, and I can assure you th...[Read More]

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