
Adventures in Mad-Libbing

Hey there, fellow WOM Bats!  Welcome to another installment in the new World of Meh on-going Mad Lib series!  Yesterday, in the introductory Mad Libs post, Lindsey posted a couple of Mad Libs that I completed.  Now we’ll see just how twisted her own mind is! How about we start with the tale of legendary American Paul Revere?: Paul Revere was born in Boston, California, in 1735.  His father t...[Read More]

Mad Libs Fun!

Get ready for a new, regular feature to World of Meh! Mad Libs! Weeks ago, Chris and I bought a Mad Libs book at our local Borders. Why? Well, for starters it was on sale for $1.99, and the other reason is because we can. The Mad Libs were fun for us because we would do them in bed before going to sleep, and it also gave us a chance to just be incredibly silly. After we filled up the first book we...[Read More]

Street Fighter Fan Films

I love Street Fighter.  I may not love all things Street Fighter (I’m looking at you Jean Claude and Kristin Kreuk), but I love the concept of Street Fighter.  This week was a great week for fans of Street Fighter.  I feel like saying “Street Fighter” one more time: Street Fighter.  …Street Fighter. I said Street Fighter (8) seven times in that opening paragraph, and I̵...[Read More]

Free Comic Book Day

May is a wonderful month.  May 4th is the unofficial Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you!), May 5th is another unofficial Star Wars Day (Revenge of the Fifth!), May 25th is Towel Day (I’m a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is!), and more!  What we’re here to talk about today, however, is Free Comic Book Day! The first Saturday in May is always set aside as the officia...[Read More]


Well over a year ago, I posted about the then-upcoming new series from Mark Waid titled Irredeemable.  The series started in April of 2009, but I didn’t get a chance to pick it up until this past weekend.  What happened this past weekend?  Free Comic Book Day happened. While standing in line at Heroes here in Fresno, I started thinking to myself, “Hey, when we get in there, why not see...[Read More]

Don’t I look stupid

So, here we are yet again. Another day, another post, as the saying goes. “But wait,” I hear you say with disbelief evident in your voice, “yesterday you posted that the World of Meh was passed on, no more, ceased to be, expired and gone to meet his maker, stiff, bereft of life, resting in peace, pushing up the daisies, kicked the bucket, shuffled off his mortal coil, run down th...[Read More]

So long, and thanks for all the fish…

The end comes for us all, and unfortunately, it seems that the end has come for the World of Meh.  To be fair, the end has been here for quite some time, sipping on tea in the lounge, waiting only for a formal introduction.  Well, ladies and gentlemen (all none of you, at this point), allow me the honor and privilege of introducing our dear friend, The End! This will, most likely, be the last post...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy: Progress Update 17

It’s been a while, but we’re within sight of the end!  I popped Super Mario Galaxy in last night and managed to hammer my way through three more stars.  I completed the Bedroom Galaxy (Bowser’s level here was very annoying because of gravity, screen orientation, and control manipulation).  After completing the Bedroom Galaxy, I was informed that I had gathered enough stars to gra...[Read More]

Google Voice Translator

I use Google Voice.  I think it’s fantastic.  I especially love how it will do a voice to text translation of voicemails and send an email transcript.  I do not love it for its accuracy.  On the contrary, I love it for its complete inaccuracy and butchery of the English language.  Allow me to demonstrate: I have a few voicemail transcripts that are so sufficiently garbled that they can’...[Read More]

Review: Dragon Age: Origins (X360 DLC)

I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins immensely, as indicated in this review.  What I didn’t mention in the review is that we downloaded and played all of the DLC currently available as well.  Well, to be fair, The Stone Prisoner DLC was included with the game, but we did purchase the Warden’s Keep and Return to Ostagar DLCs. The Stone Prisoner DLC provides a fantastic new character, Shale (wh...[Read More]

Review: Dragon Age: Origins (X360)

Since childhood, I have been a great fan of fantasy.  I have played many fantasy-genre RPGs over the last two decades, and they remain one of my favorite genres of video game.  Needless to say, I was excited about the release of Dragon Age: Origins. One of my favorite RPGs for a very long time was Neverwinter Nights, released in 2002 by Bioware.  Hearing that Bioware, makers of amazing games such ...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy: Progress Update 16

(Editor’s note: This was written in September.  It has been waiting on the fancy little “Featured Articles” icon to be created.) Welcome to Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 16!  I went back to the Gusty Garden Galaxy for a hidden star.  There was nothing new to do, just a few secret things to unlock.  While there was nothing new, this one was fiendishly difficult.  Timing playe...[Read More]

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