
Snacks Cabinet

We have a snacks cabinet.  A cabinet-o-snacks, if you will.  We love our snacks cabinet, and we do our best to make sure it is happy by keeping it full of the snacks that provide it with purpose and use. The snacks cabinet is very unassuming at first glance, a regular cabinet just like any other: Once you start taking a closer look, the impression begins to change: And once the door has been opene...[Read More]

Harry Potter Giveaway!

Today we are feeling charitable. Very charitable. Right now is the start of our first giveaway during the Blogathon.  You guys and gals are competing for some very cool goodies. How might one win these great freebies? Post a comment! For the next 24 hours (6 PM PST 7/25/09 – 6:00 PM 7/26/09) when you comment on this blog, it counts as an entry. You don’t need to spam the post with craz...[Read More]

Fable II (Partial Review)

I enjoyed the first Fable a great deal when I played it.  I love fantasy RPGs, especially ones that look like they take place in the standard human “Once upon a time…” environment.  Fable fit that very well.  Then we got the Xbox 360, and with it came Fable II. Fable II, so far, has not been living up to its predecessor.  I feel that the interaction, combat, and leveling systems ...[Read More]

Electric Six

There is a band called Electric Six.  They are a strange band, but very musically talented.  Their songs are very catchy and have a great sound.  They are a bit on the odd side, however…  There are two songs in particular that I am fond of: Gay Bar and High Voltage.  A warning, however: if S&M bondage Abraham Lincolns and giant glowing orbs over genitalia bother you, these may not be enj...[Read More]

My Toesies!

While Chris was taking over on the blog, I decided to take some much needed “me” time and give myself a pedicure. It’s been ages since I’ve had a proper one, mainly due to how much they cost, and with the party tonight I figured I should try and look nice. I thought about giving myself a matching manicure as well, but it’s already 5:30 and we have to be there by 8:00....[Read More]

Corner Kick

Earlier my two visiting friends were playing FIFA 2007 on my Playstation 2.  During a Portugal / Argentina match, a sequence of events occurred that resulted in seven, count them, seven corner kicks on the same attack. It was fairly ridiculous. They eventually got past it with no goal. -Because I said so

Portable Hard Drive

Yesterday, my mom bought a portable hard drive to store all of her documents, photos, videos, etc.  She wanted to be able to take all of her files with her wherever she went.  She ended up getting the Seagate FreeAgent Go 500GB external portable USB hard drive for $119.99, a great deal for 500gb of portable storage. The great thing about the small portable USB hard drives is that they don’t ...[Read More]


Lindsey made two little singles packets of Kool-Aid for us to drink.  The directions are fairly simple: mix the powder with sugar and water. Each of the singles packets called for 1 cup of sugar, meaning she poured a full two-cup measuring cup of sugar into our serving pitcher. Holy shit that’s a lot of sugar. -Because I said so

Pan Fried Hot Dogs Part 2

Well, they are good hot dogs.  I never thought of pan frying hot dogs in butter, but it came out well. Good job Pej. -Because I said so

Pan Fried Hot Dogs

I offered our friends hot dogs, and they suggested a way of cooking them that I hadn’t come across before.  I was willing to just pop them in the microwave, but they decided that pan frying them in butter would be better. This should be interesting.  I’ll report on the results shortly. -Because I said so

Donnie the Spaz

Our dog is a total spaz.  One of our visiting friends was petting him gently, when suddenly the yelping started.  I thought we were past this, but I guess once a spaz, always a spaz. Way to spaz out, spazzy mcspazzerson. -Because I said so

Xbox Live Gold Membership

Over the last few days we finally received our renewal cards for our annual Xbox Live gold memberships.  My renewal card came with a new wired headset, a messenger pad, and Project Gotham Racing 4 (which we traded in at Target for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga).  Lindsey’s renewal card was a 12+1, so she has 13 months of gold membership.  We’re looking forward to applying the renew...[Read More]

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