
Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland

If you’ve been living under a rock, then you wouldn’t know that the genius known as Tim Burton has been working on Alice in Wonderland. If you are aware of Mr. Burton’s endeavours, then you probably know that today a trailer for it was released onto the internet. It spread like wildfire, only to be deleted by Disney (because they suck). I did a little “Google Magic” a...[Read More]

Red Faction: Guerrilla (Xbox 360 Demo)

After the disappointment of the Bionic Commando demo, I downloaded the Red Faction: Guerrilla demo.  I had heard good things about this game, so I thought I’d give it a shot.  Thankfully, this demo actually let me try the game properly. The first thing that I noticed in this game is that you can destroy EVERYTHING.  E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!  With a sledgehammer, I was desetroying buildings, swin...[Read More]

Bionic Commando (Xbox 360 Demo)

I loved this game as a kid.  Bionic Commando was, as they say, “the balls.”  That’s a good thing, I assure you.  Prince of Persia and Ninja Gaiden showed us that remakes, when done well, can provide an equally impressive experience now as their predecessors did decades ago.  With that in mind, I eagerly downloaded the Bionic Commando demo from the Xbox Live Marketplace and gave i...[Read More]

Episode 26 Recap

More than anything else, I usually slack on the recap posts.  Well, this week I’m slacking less than usual! Episode 26 told everyone about our entrance into the upcoming Blogathon this Saturday, as well as covering a few stories from our lives.  We went over some demos and games we got our hands on, and talked about our advance screening of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (review was ...[Read More]

Subway: Six-inch Showdown

This past Tuesday, Lindsey and I were jonesing for some sandwiches.  We had a coupon book that came in the mail for Subway, so we grabbed it and headed over.  We went to our favorite Subway location, which is only a couple of blocks from our apartment, at Willow and Herndon.  It’s clean, convenient, and next door to a GameStop, Target, and Best Buy.  Generally, they’re very nice people...[Read More]

Smallville: No Experience Needed

Anyone who has watched the MehCast on a regular basis will know that I have nothing but contempt for the TV series “Smallville”.  I think the entire series is an affront to the Superman mythos, and an embarrassment to his name.  Lindsey, however, loves the series.  This has lead to regular conflicts between us on this subject.  Since the physical proof of the TV show itself is apparent...[Read More]

Top Spin 3 (Xbox 360 Demo)

I love tennis games.  One of my favorite games on the Sega Dreamcast console was their Virtua Tennis title.  It was a completely wonderful game, regardless of genre.  Wii Sports Tennis is less serious, as it’s more of an excuse to flail around in a silly manner, and we’ve already mentioned Grand Slam Tennis for the Wii.  When I saw that Top Spin 3 was an available demo, I downloaded it...[Read More]

Demo Reviews

Getting tired of seeing demo reviews instead of full game reviews?  Well, do something about it!  Send us full copies of new games for the Xbox 360, and we’ll review the fuck out of them!  In the meantime, however, our broke asses will continue reviewing what we can get our hands on, which, unfortunately, primarily consists of free demos.

Ninja Gaiden II (Xbox 360 Demo)

When I downloaded the Ghostbusters: The Video Game demo for my Xbox 360, I mentioned that it was only one of the few demos I had downloaded.  Ninja Gaiden II was another of those demos, and I took some time today to try it out. I’ve been a fan of the Ninja Gaiden series since its days on the original NES, so I was looking forward to this demo very much.  As I was browsing the Options menu, l...[Read More]

Wafflepwn Strikes Again!

If you are a reader of this blog, then you know how much I am loving the Youtube videos by wafflepwn. I’ve already made two blog posts so far about his two first videos, and last night I was told there was a third. After coming home from watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I immediately went on to Youtube and found out that there was actually more than one new video. *squee* The...[Read More]

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Review

Tonight, Lindsey and I were treated to an advance screening of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  Details of our good fortune can be found here.  We sat to watch the film with many of our Twitter friends, such as @leftybrown and @mrsleftybrown, @ChrisHangsleben and @KarmaKaze7, @DanielDanger, and more!  Before the film began, however, came a series of trivia questions from @mikeoz of the Fre...[Read More]

Blogathon 2009

On July 25th, Chris and I will be participating in the Blogathon and are really excited about it. Some of you might be wondering what the Blogathon is, and here is the answer: it’s where for an entire 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. PST, we post a brand new blog up every 30 minutes. Now, I am sure you guys will ask why we are doing this, and the answer is simple. It helps raise money for our ch...[Read More]

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