I love tennis games. One of my favorite games on the Sega Dreamcast console was their Virtua Tennis title. It was a completely wonderful game, regardless of genre. Wii Sports Tennis is less serious, as it’s more of an excuse to flail around in a silly manner, and we’ve already mentioned Grand Slam Tennis for the Wii. When I saw that Top Spin 3 was an available demo, I downloaded it...[Read More]
Getting tired of seeing demo reviews instead of full game reviews? Well, do something about it! Send us full copies of new games for the Xbox 360, and we’ll review the fuck out of them! In the meantime, however, our broke asses will continue reviewing what we can get our hands on, which, unfortunately, primarily consists of free demos.
When I downloaded the Ghostbusters: The Video Game demo for my Xbox 360, I mentioned that it was only one of the few demos I had downloaded. Ninja Gaiden II was another of those demos, and I took some time today to try it out. I’ve been a fan of the Ninja Gaiden series since its days on the original NES, so I was looking forward to this demo very much. As I was browsing the Options menu, l...[Read More]
If you are a reader of this blog, then you know how much I am loving the Youtube videos by wafflepwn. I’ve already made two blog posts so far about his two first videos, and last night I was told there was a third. After coming home from watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I immediately went on to Youtube and found out that there was actually more than one new video. *squee* The...[Read More]
Tonight, Lindsey and I were treated to an advance screening of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Details of our good fortune can be found here. We sat to watch the film with many of our Twitter friends, such as @leftybrown and @mrsleftybrown, @ChrisHangsleben and @KarmaKaze7, @DanielDanger, and more! Before the film began, however, came a series of trivia questions from @mikeoz of the Fre...[Read More]
On July 25th, Chris and I will be participating in the Blogathon and are really excited about it. Some of you might be wondering what the Blogathon is, and here is the answer: it’s where for an entire 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. PST, we post a brand new blog up every 30 minutes. Now, I am sure you guys will ask why we are doing this, and the answer is simple. It helps raise money for our ch...[Read More]
Last night, after playing through the Wolverine: Origins demo again (I WANT THAT GAME), I downloaded a few more demos to try out. The first one I downloaded was the Ghostbusters: The Video Game demo. I had heard very good things about it. I also heard that it was, essentially, the third installment of the movie series. As a huge fan of the movies (at least the first one), I had to give it a sh...[Read More]
Another episode has come and gone! Episode 25 was one of our shorter episodes, as we had a very slow news week. We did, however, spend a great deal of our week revamping the appearance and features of our blog! We’ve also signed ourselves up for the Blogathon, starting at 6:00am on July 25th, with a new post every half hour for 24 hours! Make sure to check us out on that day (and every o...[Read More]
We kept ourselves on schedule for a second week in a row! Following the macabre previous week, we had another big death: Billy Mays. He had appeared on Conan just a few nights prior, doing fine. We talked about Lindsey’s surprise birthday party, and our awesome Xbox 360 Elite that my mom got for our birthdays (mine is in October, so it’s very early)! We also had fun talking about o...[Read More]
Some of you may remember our first theme, a simple black background with a small visual flair. Most of you, however, will be more familiar with our more recent theme. We have been considering a change in our theme for a little while now, and feel that we have finally found something that will work for us on a long term basis. We have added some new features, such as a Twitter feed for Lindsey and ...[Read More]
Browsing around on Youtube, I came across this video that made me laugh so damn hard. It’s from RecklessTortuga, a sketch comedy group from Los Angeles. If you are a fan of either Twilight (gag) or Harry Potter (yay!), be sure to watch this video (it also pretty much solidifies my reasons for NOT wanting to watch Twilight). youtube::0Dtjo2Zt88s&feature=PlayList&p=CCBCC8131F12257B&...[Read More]
Last night while I was in bed with Chris, I saw people talking on Twitter about Google owning Microsoft. (Just for future reference, if you ever see me use the word “owning”, I mean to own at like a video game, not own as in purchase or obtain.) I clicked on the links to see what all the fuss is about, and boy did Google take a big fat dump on Microsoft. They announced that they are co...[Read More]