
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Xbox 360 Demo)

Last night, after playing through the Wolverine: Origins demo again (I WANT THAT GAME), I downloaded a few more demos to try out.  The first one I downloaded was the Ghostbusters: The Video Game demo.  I had heard very good things about it.  I also heard that it was, essentially, the third installment of the movie series.  As a huge fan of the movies (at least the first one), I had to give it a sh...[Read More]

Episode 25 Recap

Another episode has come and gone!  Episode 25 was one of our shorter episodes, as we had a very slow news week.  We did, however, spend a great deal of our week revamping the appearance and features of our blog!  We’ve also signed ourselves up for the Blogathon, starting at 6:00am on July 25th, with a new post every half hour for 24 hours!  Make sure to check us out on that day (and every o...[Read More]

Episode 24 Recap

We kept ourselves on schedule for a second week in a row!  Following the macabre previous week, we had another big death: Billy Mays.  He had appeared on Conan just a few nights prior, doing fine.  We talked about Lindsey’s surprise birthday party, and our awesome Xbox 360 Elite that my mom got for our birthdays (mine is in October, so it’s very early)!  We also had fun talking about o...[Read More]

New Look, Part 2

Some of you may remember our first theme, a simple black background with a small visual flair. Most of you, however, will be more familiar with our more recent theme. We have been considering a change in our theme for a little while now, and feel that we have finally found something that will work for us on a long term basis. We have added some new features, such as a Twitter feed for Lindsey and ...[Read More]

Twilight vs. Harry Potter

Browsing around on Youtube, I came across this video that made me laugh so damn hard. It’s from RecklessTortuga, a sketch comedy group from Los Angeles. If you are a fan of either Twilight (gag) or Harry Potter (yay!), be sure to watch this video (it also pretty much solidifies my reasons for NOT wanting to watch Twilight). youtube::0Dtjo2Zt88s&feature=PlayList&p=CCBCC8131F12257B&...[Read More]

Google’s Next Step for World Domination

Last night while I was in bed with Chris, I saw people talking on Twitter about Google owning Microsoft. (Just for future reference, if you ever see me use the word “owning”, I mean to own at like a video game, not own as in purchase or obtain.) I clicked on the links to see what all the fuss is about, and boy did Google take a big fat dump on Microsoft. They announced that they are co...[Read More]

Happy Bungie Day!

Today, for all you Halo fans, is Bungie Day. The creators of the Halo series, Bungie, have an affinity for the number 7. Since today is 7/7/09 that makes it Bungie Day! If you own Halo 3 and have an Xbox Live account, you can go into the special playlist “Bungie vs. The World” so that you can be matched up with some of the Bungie staff. If you win the round with them, you will be award...[Read More]

Wolverine: Origins (Xbox 360 Demo)

Over the weekend, we downloaded the Wolverine: Origins demo on our Xbox 360.  I am generally hesitant of movie adaptations, but Lindsey had seen some gameplay footage, and I had read a great deal about the game, so we felt it would be a fun, free demo.  I gave it a shot on Sunday night, and was immediately impressed by the graphics.  The introductory FMV does a good job of introducing the characte...[Read More]

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – Advance Screening

In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to be a man. Midnight premieres. I have been to many midnight premieres in the years that I have walked upon the earth.  I revel in the atmosphere of a midnight premiere.  I rejoice in the opportunity to interact with my people.  The true believers, not just in the content, but in the medium itself, make themselves known.  This is the ultimate movi...[Read More]

Grand Slam Tennis – Wii

Viewing Review – Before I go into my review for Grand Slam Tennis, I want to let you guys and gals know that I am not too keen on sports games. I have never been athletically inclined, and I’ve found most sports to be boring. Tennis is a sport that I would never play in real life. I’m just too lazy to run back and forth on the court just to hit a ball, so that brings me to video ...[Read More]

Heroes News!

If you guys and gals love Heroes as much as Chris and I do, then this news will delight you immensely: Not only do we know that September 21st is the premiere date for Redemption, but it will be a 2 hour episode! Happy Monday! – She Who Has The Last Word

Chatty Moogs

One thing we’ve noticed about Moogle is how curious she is. She wonders what is inside a cabinet, wonders what is so awesome about the fridge, and other things. She has also taken a great interest in our laptop and PC. She watches how the mouse cursor flits about the screen, and will stare at our fingers as they click on the keyboard. When Chris is at work, him and I talk throughout the day ...[Read More]

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