
Watchmen… the epically long review

I’ve been putting this review off for almost a week now so I suppose I should probably get on it. Many of you know that Chris and I saw Watchmen last week at the local Midnight Premiere and we were blown away. Chris has already put up a review and although it was brief, he mentioned some things I will be going more in depth about. There will be spoilers in this post so if you haven’t s...[Read More]

Think Geek, FTL

Earlier last week I placed an order with Think Geek. I had never ordered anything from them before but Chris had. I was familiar with their products and if I had all the money in the world, I would probably order one of everything they sell because they have some pretty awesome stuff. One of the things I ordered was this putty type stuff that is used to help fix electronics. Chris has had problems...[Read More]

I curse you SmileCare!!!11eleven!!

I hate the dentist. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I feel that I can properly rant about the bullshit that occurred this past Saturday. Before I get into that, here is what happened last year: Towards the end of March I knew I needed to make an appointment to see the dentist (it had been AGES since I had seen one). Having Denti-Cal, it makes it really hard to find somebody who is ...[Read More]

Flame on, Donnie!

For the past week or so, Donnie has been scratching under his right arm straight in the arm pit itself. I’ve checked to see if he was injured there, if there is a bug bite, and if there is anything to warrant his persisent scratching yet I have found nothing. Chris and I have kept a close eye on it to make sure it doesn’t get worse or need medical attention. These past few days he has ...[Read More]

R.I.P. Kitty

I got a call from my dad yesterday.  He lives in Oklahoma City, where I was born and raised.  When I was a kid, we got a pet cat that I creatively named Kitty.  I must have been in third grade, at the oldest.  She was a beautiful calico cat.  She turned 21 years old this year, and he called to say that she died last Monday.  I remember thinking when I was a kid of how I would react to this very ne...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 10 Recap

Episode 10 was almost exclusively focused on our experience with the Watchmen movie midnight premiere the previous night.  There was brief discussion of other topics, but the main topic was Watchmen.  We had planned on a short episode before heading out to see Watchmen again, but were so exhausted that we didn’t make it out.  Given that, the show is a bit shorter than usual, because we had p...[Read More]

Watchmen Review (Brief)

This will be a fairly short and succinct review.   A longer and more detailed review will be up later today or tomorrow courtesy of Lindsey. I have been a fan of Watchmen since the late 80s/early 90s (it came out in 1986/1987, but I didn’t catch it until a few years later).  It was a brilliant graphic novel that was extremely well written (Alan Moore is widely recognized as fantastic).  When...[Read More]

Waiting for Watchmen

Last night Chris and I attended the midnight premiere for Watchmen, and it was epic. Both Chris and I will be making a blog with our own personal reviews however this particular blog is to clue you in about the idiots we had to tolerate for 2 hours prior to the movie starting. Earlier in the day we had picked up our tickets and some snackies because, let’s be honest, the prices for snacks at...[Read More]

Watchmen Muzak

We’re sitting here in the theater with a little under two hours to go before the start of the movie. They’re playing music at a muted level for us while we wait. It’s dreadful. Seriously. It’s so bad that I felt the need to blog about how bad it was. That’s bad. -Because I said so

The Lugubrious Lumberjack

Herein lies the lament of the lumberjack.  Before witnessing his woeful wailings, discern his dismal downfall: Skip a bit to about 3:45 for the tale of the lumberjack, or watch the lovely story about the pet parrot first (a very touching story about a man and his Norwegian Blue). youtube::gfIVMchKd_U:: I’ll give you a few moments to digest. … … … … All set?  Lovely.  ...[Read More]


A few weeks ago I submitted a support ticket to my company’s IT department regarding my mouse.  It was a standard optical mouse, and for the most part worked fine, except for the scroll wheel, which refused to scroll.  I use the scroll wheel often, so this was a problem.  I requested a replacement mouse, and was provided with one shortly thereafter.  However, it seems to me that my fortunes ...[Read More]


I’ve had all I can stand, and I can’t stands no more!  How much can a man take before he finally accepts the sweet, warm embrace of madness?  What is a man’s breaking point?  Where is the line drawn?  How many straws until the last one?  How many weights must be thrust upon a man’s shoulders before he is heavy enough to break a camel’s back?  What is the airspeed velo...[Read More]

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