
Introducing our new “Inquiries Presented More Often Than Not” page!

Oftentimes, people will have inquiries that are more common than not.  These inquiries, more often than not, will be presented to a person of supposed authority on the subject at hand, with the assumption that they will be able to provide an answer to the inquiry. We have received one such inquiry. Sort of. To be proactive, an “Inquiries Presented More Often Than Not” page (or IPMOTN, ...[Read More]

Donnie the Dog

We brought our dog Donnie over to the apartment last night.  We paid our pet deposit, picked up a lot of crap for the apartment, and brought him home.  He has to sleep in an enclosure, because otherwise he’d piss and crap all over the apartment (bye bye, $450), because he is a crap factory.  He isn’t particularly happy about that part quite yet, but he’ll get used to it.  It̵...[Read More]

CPR done the cool way

Not everyone knows how to do CPR; at least, not properly.  Whether it’s the location to pump, the number of pumps, the beat of the pumps, or something else, most people do not have the knowledge required to safely administer CPR. Until today!  (for the beat portion, at least). I heard about this ages ago, but while listening to Queen on the way to work, it popped into my head this morning.  ...[Read More]

The Dark Kung Fu Knight Panda

So Lindsey sends me an IM today mentioning that Target is having a sale on DVDs.  She mentions Wall-E, then The Dark Knight and Kung Fu Panda.  For various reasons, we do not yet own The Dark Knight or Kung Fu Panda, which, for me, is very strange.  I have a very large collection of DVDs, and I generally buy new releases that I want as soon as they hit the shelves.  Unfortunately, money has been s...[Read More]

The Twitter Gestapo!

Yesterday, while playing Animal Crossing, Chris and I decided to check out the Married Gamers (Chris and Kelly) live podcast on Ustream. It was really entertaining and we found ourselves laughing a lot. Towards the end of their podcast they mentioned that they were going to get some lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Chris was in the kitchen getting ready to make lunch so I asked him if he would want to go and...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 8 Recap

So last Friday was our 8th episode. Crazy to think that we have been doing our MehCasts for about 2 months now but it’s been great. Prior to the show we were at the local Tweet Up that I mentioned in a recent blog. We were originally going to try and air the show from the event but since we have ghetto equipment there would have been no way we could have cancelled out the background noise. O...[Read More]

I want my money, bitch!

In an earlier blog posted about a week and a half back my terrible H&R Block story was told. Some of you might remember the ordeal I had to go through just to file my taxes and some of you might not. Basically I went through a bunch of bull just to file simple taxes and got the run around at 2 different locations. I e-filed my taxes on the 7th and was told that I would get my return, which is ...[Read More]

California Love

Yesterday was a pretty great day. It started off getting some local love from @mikeoz on Twitter. He works for the local newspaper, The Fresno Bee, and has written some really great articles. When I take the time to actually read the paper I always make sure to check out what he has to say. For the Fresno Bee employees there is a website called FresnoBeeHive where they add additional content that ...[Read More]

Wii Week Wrap-up

Well, we started the week without really meaning to talk about the Wii every day, but it happened, so we decided to call it our Wii Week.  It was an interesting week filled with highs and lows.  On the one hand, we paid off a few house expansions in Animal Crossing, and I fucking RULE at Mario Kart, but on the other hand, Francine is a dirty bitch who robbed me blind. I really fucking hate Francin...[Read More]

Wii are Angry

Wednesday night, I went on a fishing bonanza, filling my Animal Crossing house with fish to sell the next day in one big selling run.  Last night, a little while after I got home, I made my sales, getting myself up to over 85,000 bells (Animal Crossing currency), a hefty sum indeed.  I continued fishing, wanting to break the 100,000 mark, when I came across one of my town’s residents.  Franc...[Read More]

Maynard… the best thing since sliced bread

On last weeks show I mentioned the amazing arrival of Maynard James Keenan to Fresno. For those of you who have been living under a rock, MJK is the lead singer of TOOL, A Perfect Circle, and Puscifer. The man is a God. I’ve seen TOOL in concert 3 times over the past 10 years, and have been a huge fan for as long as I can remember. Let me tell you how insane I get over this man. Back when I ...[Read More]

A Wii Bit of Devastation

Our new Wii does not come without consequences.  Since we purchased our Wii, our apartment has gone to hell.  We moved our coffee table to place the Wii Fit Balance Board down.  We have dishes from LAST THURSDAY still sitting in the sink (I finally washed some yesterday and set some others in hot water to soak).  We have empty snack bags (and some not so empty snack bags) littering the floor aroun...[Read More]

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