
Elbow in the face

If the title isn’t revealing enough, allow me to elaborate. Lindsey elbowed me in the face, last night. Right in the nose, with the tip of her elbow.  It wasn’t a regular elbow to the face, either.  We were dancing, and as I was pulling her back to me in a twirl, she clipped me in the nose.  So not only did I have the full force of her body slamming into my nose, I had the added moment...[Read More]

Wedding Planning

Lindsey and I are getting married this December.  Since there’s a lot to go through, I took this week off from work so that we could sit in with vendors.  So far, we’ve had a lot of good appointments, giving us a great idea of how much our wedding is going to cost, and what kind of wedding it will be.  Let me reassure everyone by saying that we will, absolutely, have a flower piece for...[Read More]

Toro, Toro!

So a few months ago, walking in to Vons (a grocery store on the west coast), I see, from the orner of my eye, Lindsey starting to kick her left foot somewhat on each step, like a bull stamping it’s hoof before it charges.  It persists almost all the way to the store entrance.  I started copying her to tease her about it, when she informed me that she was just trying to get the bottom of her ...[Read More]

Mmm, beard.

If you watched Episode 3 of the MehCast, you will have heard this story already. If not here it is in all its glory. Last week, while waiting for Lindsey during one of her Mary Kay appointments, I decided to put some gas in my car.  I walked into a Valero station to pick up some candy while the car was filling up, and as I approached the counter, the Indian man (younger, leaner guy, not much of a ...[Read More]

Black Widow…..My Arch Nemesis!

As some of you know, Chris and I have our own place together. We love it. We have a nice amount of space plus it came with washer and dryer hook-ups which means no laundry room! The washer we got from my Mom, that was kept outside for who knows how long, and Chris found the dryer from a nice lady on Craigslist. On the day that we moved, Chris and a friend of his took the moving truck over to the t...[Read More]

Joaquin Phoenix – Rapper Extraordinare

On last Friday’s MehCast, I mentioned Joaquin Phoenix’s new career choice. Towards the end of last year he retired from acting, that he is amazing at, and was rumored to start a music career. Some thought it made sense since he did a great job portraying Johnny Cash in “Walk The Line.” It wouldn’t be the first time that an actor has dipped into music… and like a...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 3 Recap

Good afternoon, Meh-nans!  Meh-ple?  Meh-tans?  Meh-nanites? I don’t know about that last one… Anyway, last night marked Year 1, Episode 3 of our weekly MehCast!  We ran just a few minutes over an hour, and ended shortly after my cousin’s wife (cousin-in-law?) came over.  We had a fairly good turnout, although it seemed to fluctuate over the course of the broadcast.  All in all, ...[Read More]

Year 1 – Episode 2 Recap

Last Friday, Chris and I had a rather interesting show. For starters we had to cut it at an hour due to us having company come over. Then we experienced tech issues about half way through the show in which we had to cut the feed and restream. Our total live viewer count was 2, but we knew in advance that some of the guys who were there for our first episode wouldn’t be able to make it. I kne...[Read More]

Hello Kitty.

I am a man. By this, not only do I mean to say that I am a man in the genetic, physical sense, but in the socially accepted sense as well.  I like cars.  I like women.  I like barbecue.  I like gadgets.  I like video games.  The list goes on, but I think you get the point.  With all this in mind, allow me to tell you a tale. A month or so ago, Lindsey and I were out and about town, when we went in...[Read More]

Talking to one’s self out loud…

I talk to myself out loud at times.  I’ll carry an entire conversation with myself.  I’ll talk to video game characters by telling them what to do, or where to go, etc.  I’ll muse over thoughts out loud.  I’m perfectly fine with this habit.  In fact, I enjoy it. Lindsey thinks I’m mental. I respectfully disagree. It may seem strange to some that I talk to myself, but ...[Read More]


Good morning, world! I’d like to apologize to our readers (if we have any, which I sincerely doubt) for our recent lack of activity.  We started off strong, followed by two weeks with only two posts.  Today marks the beginning of an attempt to change the trend set by the past two weeks of non-activity.  At least once per day, be it from Lindsey or myself, there will be new content posted to ...[Read More]

Screw you guys, I’m going home.

Metallica came to town on December 13th to play a show with Lamb of God.  The weeks leading up to the concert bombarded Fresno area radio listeners with a plethora (do you even know what a plethora is?!) of advertisements and promos for the upcoming show.  Of these many varied promos, one particular promo shone more brightly than all the rest.  Unfortunately, I have been unable to retrieve a copy ...[Read More]

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