When you think of MumboJumbo Games, the last thing you’d think of is creepy. The Institute, a Becky Brogan Adventure is not only creepy, but perfect for this upcoming Halloween.
Recently, Sproing Interactive and dtp entertainment released Dance! It’s Your Stage for Xbox Live Arcade. Having already released the game for PC and Nintendo Wii, I was curious as to how it would play on the 360.
For the past week or so, I’ve been playing two games on and off: Grumps and Railroad Racer 3D. Both are Indie titles, but they couldn’t be more different even if they tried.
Albert Einstein commented once that civilization would not be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two-thirds of the people of the earth would be killed. As I recall, only one-fifth of the planetary population died when I launched my nuclear ordinance into the heart of the Greek Empire. So much for Einstein.
With over a decade and a half between games, has Sonic returned to form?
Welcome back to the madness that often is called “adapting video games into animation”. Previously, I started by talking about that one classic character that has had more success than most in regards to being adapted, my favorite blue hedgehog Sonic. I talked about his first appearance in animation, as well as SatAM and the anime movie, the highlights of his animated career. Sadly, th...[Read More]
A couple of months ago, Brennan first wrote about the upcoming game/accessory for the Nintendo Wii, uDraw, by THQ. If you remember, back in the SNES days, Nintendo had an amazing game known as Mario Paint. Think of the uDraw as Mario Paint for 2010.
Zumba Fitness, from Majesco Entertainment and Pipeworks Software, is coming out soon for all three current-gen consoles. As a fan of music/dancing games, this is looking to be quite an interesting title, and one I hope to get my hands on.
Despite the controversy surrounding the multiplayer portion of the new Medal of Honor, the game has been doing very well in terms of sales. Almost as a way of saying “thank you”, EA announced today that, on November 2nd, gamers can download a brand new multiplayer mode for free.
Coming out in November, just in time for the movie, gamers can get their hands on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. It will be available for all major consoles, as well as the PC, but this preview will focus solely on the version that’s coming out for the Nintendo DS family of handhelds.
Available today, at all major retailers and Amazon.com is the Galactic Passport pack for Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures.