Video Games

Look Out Everyone, Lara Croft’s in the House

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light made a gigantic splash when it premiered on the Xbox Live Arcade. Now, she’s moving over to the PlayStation Network and Steam. Get ready for the tsunami.

Prepare 4 The Sacrifice In Left 4 Dead

You see what I did with that 4 in the title? Yeah Valve, I can be clever with words that sound like numbers too.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Release Date and Pricing

We’ve mentioned Sonic the Hedgehog a few times in passing on this site.  To be honest, he’s a touchy subject.  On the one hand, when a Sonic the Hedgehog game is good, it can be one of the best games you will ever play.  On the other hand, when a Sonic the Hedgehog game is bad, it makes you wish you were playing E.T. on the Atari 2600 instead (for you young whipper-snappers that aren&#...[Read More]

NBA Jam Coming to 360 and PS3

Earlier this year it was announced that the sports classic NBA Jam would be given new life on the Wii console as a standalone product.  Later on in the year, it was announced that a limited version of NBA Jam would also be included as a bonus with copies of NBA Elite 11 for PS3 and 360.  This was obviously a point of some concern, as I don’t give a flying f….ig about sports games other...[Read More]

PS3makes! PS3makes Everywhere!

Every popular franchise ever is being HD upgraded for the PS3. I’m okay with that.

Review: Nancy Drew Secrets Can Kill (PC)

When I was a little girl, I remember hearing about these Nancy Drew novels, but even though I was an avid reader, they just never appealed to me. Recently I had the opportunity to play Secrets Can Kill, a Nancy Drew PC game that is a remastered version of the 1998 original, and I admit, I was pleasantly surprised.

New DC Universe Screenshots

Lindsey was on her game when she announced a trailer for DC Universe Online, a new MMO with a set release date of November 2. Well, now we have some great screenshots, too! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

A Sit Down With Zombie Cow Studios

Zombie Cow Studios is the company behind Privates, a game that definitely caught my attention. I reviewed it last week, and I’m pleased to have had the opportunity to ask one of its founders, Dan, some questions. So, check out our conversation …

New Dash Game Coming!

Well Friday sure is turning out to be an awesome day! Fans of the Dash series by PlayFirst will be thrilled to know that, next week, a new Dash game will be announced.

The Force Is With…Well, About A Million People

One week ago Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures launched. Within that time the family friendly free to play MMO based on Cartoon Network’s hit series has registered one million players.

25% Off Civ V Today for UK Gamers!

If you live in the UK and are a fan of the amazing Civilization games, then you’ll want to take advantage of this amazing deal that’s going on today.

Review: ManStruggle (FB)

I know what you’re thinking… a game review for something on Facebook? YES! A game review for something on Facebook! Let me assure you, it will all make sense once you finish reading this review.

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