Video Games

What I thought about Far Cry 2

Far Cry 2 is a good game, but it has it's flaws. I kill Innocent Chickens!

Darksiders’ Digital Pre-Order Offer!

I love free stuff. I really do. Ask anyone. Go ahead. Ask! See – I told ya! Now, I’m not really much of a PC gamer, but if you’re like me and you like free stuff AND PC games, you’re going to LOVE this!

BioShock Infinite Demo Video Release!

Back in August, Kyle announced BioShock Infinite and previewed some screenshots of the antagonist, which clearly scared him. Well, now you can see what all the fuss is about with the upcoming release of a demo video for BioShock Infinite!

Review: Privates (PC)

I announced Zombie Cow Studio’s new game, Privates, September 17, and to be honest, it seemed rather strange and perverted. Now that I’ve had the chance to play the game in its entirety, let’s take a second look at it!

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 – Spider-Man & Wesker

I’ve never been a big fan of the Resident Evil series.  It’s never held even the slightest bit of appeal for me.  Lindsey, on the other hand, has for the most part been completely enamored with it, so perhaps she will be more excited by part of this news than I am.  Wesker (a Resident Evil character, I guess) is coming to Marvel vs. Capcom 3.  Oh, and Spider-Man.

Dear BioWare, We Need to Talk…

Before I get into what I am about to say, it should be noted that the opinions expressed in this article are solely my own. It is not the opinion of our site as a whole, nor will this mean that our site will become anti-BioWare (because honestly, that would just be stupid). I personally feel that, as a gamer and a fan of BioWare, there are some things that need to be addressed.

Too Hot for Xbox, eh?

In a world where you can say or do almost anything via the internet, it’s no surprise that someone has created a game that makes even MY jaw drop! And I’m telling you – that’s hard to do!

XBL Indie Game Overload!

In my opinion, Indie game developers are the backbone of the gaming industry. This is where developers start and gain experience. I truly believe, as gamers, we have a responsibility to support even the smallest fish in this big ocean! So, I’m going to do my part and shed some light on a few indie games!

New Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Screen Shots

You know what goes great with a new epic trailer? Some epic new screen shots.

Deadly Premonition: Ready for a New Audience

Even though Deadly Premonition was released in America on February 23, it’s release date in the UK is slowly creeping up on us.

Review: Flight Doodle (iOS)

I love my iPhone. It comes everywhere with me, and when I’m sitting on the bus on the way to work, you can catch me kicking my boredom with a random game. Lately, that game has been Flight Doodle! Today, I am pleased to discuss not only how great of a game Flight Doodle is, but also how it’s gotten even better!

Sonic Free Riders aka Hoverboarding In the Living Room

Sega has announced the all new Sonic Riders game. Finally! The new installment to the series takes the game play to an all new level that will have you dancing, erm… hoverboarding in front of everyone.

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