Video Games

Xbox Live Deal of the Week: Assassins Creed II

Fans of the Assassins Creed franchise will be happy to know that, starting tomorrow, the Xbox Live Gold Member Deal of the Week features some nicely discounted goodies for Assassins Creed II.

Weekly Game Deals: Sunday Paper Edition

Slightly strapped for cash, but are looking to add to your game collection? Check out these great deals! All specials are good starting today until Saturday, July 24th, unless otherwise specified. All specials are available both online and in-store.

Day one DLC for Mafia II detailed

2K Games has announced today that on release day, there will be a couple DLC packages available for download. The Betrayal of Jimmy will be available exclusively for the PlayStation 3 and will be available as a free download to those who purchase the game brand new with a voucher code. For those who don’t, it will be available for $9.99 (rough estimate- £7.99).

Rock Band latest update- The Stooges and Bad Religion

Another week, another Rock Band update; this time we’re seeing Bad Religion and The Stooges content delivered to online stores on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii.

Super Street Fighter IV Avatar Outfits available

Xboxers knew these were coming for awhile, and now they are here! Fans of the Street Fighter series can now dress up their Xbox Live avatars like some of their favorite characters.

1 vs. 100 vs. Microsoft

Lindsey and I both love trivia shows; They’re an opportunity for us to show off just how much useless bullshit we store in our heads (a lot).  When we saw that Xbox Live had an online interactive trivia show in the form of 1 vs. 100 (based on the TV trivia show of the same name), who were we to say no?  We jumped in to the first season of 1 vs 100 a little late, due to when we got Xbox Live,...[Read More]

Pallurikio available for download from PlayStation Store

Playstos Entertainment has today released Pallurikio on the PlayStation Store. It is a mini’s title and is available for both PlayStation 3 and PSP for £3.49/€3.99.

10 new cars arrive in Forza Motorsport 3

Today a new Downloadable Content pack has arrived on Xbox LIVE for Forza Motorsport 3; the World Class Car Pack. For 400 Microsoft Points, you’ll be able to race in the hottest cars from leading car manufacturers such as McLaren, Fiat, Mitsubishi and more. From the elite McLaren MP4-12C supercar and the luxurious power of the 2010 Mercedes-Benz CL 65 AMG, to the tuner-friendly 2010 Acura TSX...[Read More]

Blockbuster Used Game Deals

Back when Chris and I went to rent LEGO Harry Potter, the guy at Blockbuster told us about some used games he had behind the counter. All were for Xbox 360, and the prices were fantastic! The games, which were all $6.99, came in a generic semi-frosted clear case, but no box art, and no booklet. At first, it seemed like all titles were various sports games, but then Assassins Creed II and Star Wars...[Read More]

Civilization V Special Edition

I like special editions.  I like the Civilization series.  With that in mind, surely you can imagine the fanboy squeal that escaped my mouth this morning when I heard that Civilization V will have a Special Edition. It went something like, “eee!” (I am at work, so I had to restrain myself somewhat). Unfortunately, we don’t have any pictures of the special edition and it’s g...[Read More]

Video Game Tattoos: Yay or Nay?

At some point in life, everybody considers getting a tattoo whether they want to admit it or not. Some go through with it, while others choose not to for various reasons.

Review: LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 (X360)

Last Friday, Chris and I rented the recent title to hit the LEGO video game franchise, LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4. I guess you could say I’m a fan of the LEGO game series. I played through LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy for regular Xbox, and then we got LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga for the 360. Months ago we rented LEGO Batman, but weren’t impressed. P...[Read More]

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