Video Games

Street Fighter Fan Films

I love Street Fighter.  I may not love all things Street Fighter (I’m looking at you Jean Claude and Kristin Kreuk), but I love the concept of Street Fighter.  This week was a great week for fans of Street Fighter.  I feel like saying “Street Fighter” one more time: Street Fighter.  …Street Fighter. I said Street Fighter (8) seven times in that opening paragraph, and I̵...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy: Progress Update 17

It’s been a while, but we’re within sight of the end!  I popped Super Mario Galaxy in last night and managed to hammer my way through three more stars.  I completed the Bedroom Galaxy (Bowser’s level here was very annoying because of gravity, screen orientation, and control manipulation).  After completing the Bedroom Galaxy, I was informed that I had gathered enough stars to gra...[Read More]

Review: Dragon Age: Origins (X360 DLC)

I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins immensely, as indicated in this review.  What I didn’t mention in the review is that we downloaded and played all of the DLC currently available as well.  Well, to be fair, The Stone Prisoner DLC was included with the game, but we did purchase the Warden’s Keep and Return to Ostagar DLCs. The Stone Prisoner DLC provides a fantastic new character, Shale (wh...[Read More]

Review: Dragon Age: Origins (X360)

Since childhood, I have been a great fan of fantasy.  I have played many fantasy-genre RPGs over the last two decades, and they remain one of my favorite genres of video game.  Needless to say, I was excited about the release of Dragon Age: Origins. One of my favorite RPGs for a very long time was Neverwinter Nights, released in 2002 by Bioware.  Hearing that Bioware, makers of amazing games such ...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy: Progress Update 16

(Editor’s note: This was written in September.  It has been waiting on the fancy little “Featured Articles” icon to be created.) Welcome to Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 16!  I went back to the Gusty Garden Galaxy for a hidden star.  There was nothing new to do, just a few secret things to unlock.  While there was nothing new, this one was fiendishly difficult.  Timing playe...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy: Progress Update 15

(Editor’s note: This was written in September.  It has been waiting on the fancy little “Featured Articles” icon to be created.  This means the last time I played SMG was in June.) Wow.  Three months since I last played Super Mario Galaxy.  Time to jump back in and grab a few more stars!  With my last update, I had unlocked and completed the Trial Galaxies.  I am now ready to con...[Read More]

Xbox 360 Technical Support (GRR)

I understand that a company as large as Microsoft requires a very large technical support staff.  I can understand that putting their technical support centers in India is more cost-effective for them.  I can understand that, since the centers are in India, they are more likely to use scripts and automatic emails to get over the language barrier.  I understand all of this, and  yet I am furious at...[Read More]

Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution (Xbox 360)

When I was a yound lad, I came upon a video game called “Sid Meier’s Civilization”.*  I played the shit out of it.  I then played the shit out of Civilization II.  I then kept my shit-playing-out-of tradition alive with Civilization III.  By the time Civilization IV came around, I had less playing-the-shit-out-of-things time available, so I was only able to gently peruse the game...[Read More]

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Most people know who the Super Mario Bros. are.  Even if they don’t know who Luigi is (poor guy), they know who Mario is.  New Super Mario Bros. Wii fits in to that famous legacy perfectly. Whoops…Wrong Mario. I know I’ve got it around here somewhere…. *rummage* Aha! I’ve been playing Mario games since I was a kid; my first time playing Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Ent...[Read More]

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (Xbox 360)

A few weeks ago, Lindsey and I rented Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe for our Xbox 360.  We generally like the vs. series of games (Marvel vs. Capcom, Capcom vs. SNK, etc), so we had high hopes. We were severely disappointed. The problem with Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe does not lie with the graphics.  there are some characters that do not look quite right, but overall, the graphics are very nice....[Read More]

X-Men Origins: Wolverine – Review

We rented X-Men Origins: Wolverine over a week ago, but since I work, and we had a busy weekend, it’s taken me the full week to finally complete the game.  Now, on to the review! I’ll start with the complaints.  Primarily, the game was short.  At least, shorter than I would have liked.  However, when you really think about it, that seems to be the case for all games that I enjoy a grea...[Read More]

Zelda DS Winner!

Good Afternoon, It is now 1:00 PM, and time to announce the fab winner of our Zelda contest. Before that, I’d like to again give congrats to deaf omega and Ancientwolf13 who both won prizes in our Harry Potter giveaway. OK, now to the good stuff. The winner is………….. . . . . . . . ……… spookygirl! Congrats, contact me within 48 hours so we can arrange ...[Read More]

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