Video Games

Zelda DS Giveaway!

And ANOTHER fantastic Giveaway. This will have the same rules as our Harry Potter Giveaway, but obviously the prizes will be different. How do you enter to win? POST A COMMENT! For the next 24 hours (8 PM PST 7/25/09 – 8:00 PM 7/26/09) when you comment on this blog, it counts as an entry. Please do not spam the hell out of this post, but do feel free to discuss the DS, it’s other games, and ...[Read More]

Fable II (Partial Review)

I enjoyed the first Fable a great deal when I played it.  I love fantasy RPGs, especially ones that look like they take place in the standard human “Once upon a time…” environment.  Fable fit that very well.  Then we got the Xbox 360, and with it came Fable II. Fable II, so far, has not been living up to its predecessor.  I feel that the interaction, combat, and leveling systems ...[Read More]

Corner Kick

Earlier my two visiting friends were playing FIFA 2007 on my Playstation 2.  During a Portugal / Argentina match, a sequence of events occurred that resulted in seven, count them, seven corner kicks on the same attack. It was fairly ridiculous. They eventually got past it with no goal. -Because I said so

Xbox Live Gold Membership

Over the last few days we finally received our renewal cards for our annual Xbox Live gold memberships.  My renewal card came with a new wired headset, a messenger pad, and Project Gotham Racing 4 (which we traded in at Target for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga).  Lindsey’s renewal card was a 12+1, so she has 13 months of gold membership.  We’re looking forward to applying the renew...[Read More]

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Partial Review)

On Wednesday evening, once Lindsey had finished her runthrough of Overlord II on our Xbox 360 (she should have a review up today), we headed to Blockbuster to trade it in for X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  I played the demo not so long ago, and fell in love with the graphics, the gameplay, and the way Wolverine’s abilities were depicted.  I started the game and was not disappointed. Since I have...[Read More]

Red Faction: Guerrilla (Xbox 360 Demo)

After the disappointment of the Bionic Commando demo, I downloaded the Red Faction: Guerrilla demo.  I had heard good things about this game, so I thought I’d give it a shot.  Thankfully, this demo actually let me try the game properly. The first thing that I noticed in this game is that you can destroy EVERYTHING.  E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!  With a sledgehammer, I was desetroying buildings, swin...[Read More]

Bionic Commando (Xbox 360 Demo)

I loved this game as a kid.  Bionic Commando was, as they say, “the balls.”  That’s a good thing, I assure you.  Prince of Persia and Ninja Gaiden showed us that remakes, when done well, can provide an equally impressive experience now as their predecessors did decades ago.  With that in mind, I eagerly downloaded the Bionic Commando demo from the Xbox Live Marketplace and gave i...[Read More]

Top Spin 3 (Xbox 360 Demo)

I love tennis games.  One of my favorite games on the Sega Dreamcast console was their Virtua Tennis title.  It was a completely wonderful game, regardless of genre.  Wii Sports Tennis is less serious, as it’s more of an excuse to flail around in a silly manner, and we’ve already mentioned Grand Slam Tennis for the Wii.  When I saw that Top Spin 3 was an available demo, I downloaded it...[Read More]

Demo Reviews

Getting tired of seeing demo reviews instead of full game reviews?  Well, do something about it!  Send us full copies of new games for the Xbox 360, and we’ll review the fuck out of them!  In the meantime, however, our broke asses will continue reviewing what we can get our hands on, which, unfortunately, primarily consists of free demos.

Ninja Gaiden II (Xbox 360 Demo)

When I downloaded the Ghostbusters: The Video Game demo for my Xbox 360, I mentioned that it was only one of the few demos I had downloaded.  Ninja Gaiden II was another of those demos, and I took some time today to try it out. I’ve been a fan of the Ninja Gaiden series since its days on the original NES, so I was looking forward to this demo very much.  As I was browsing the Options menu, l...[Read More]

Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Xbox 360 Demo)

Last night, after playing through the Wolverine: Origins demo again (I WANT THAT GAME), I downloaded a few more demos to try out.  The first one I downloaded was the Ghostbusters: The Video Game demo.  I had heard very good things about it.  I also heard that it was, essentially, the third installment of the movie series.  As a huge fan of the movies (at least the first one), I had to give it a sh...[Read More]

Happy Bungie Day!

Today, for all you Halo fans, is Bungie Day. The creators of the Halo series, Bungie, have an affinity for the number 7. Since today is 7/7/09 that makes it Bungie Day! If you own Halo 3 and have an Xbox Live account, you can go into the special playlist “Bungie vs. The World” so that you can be matched up with some of the Bungie staff. If you win the round with them, you will be award...[Read More]

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