Video Games

Wolverine: Origins (Xbox 360 Demo)

Over the weekend, we downloaded the Wolverine: Origins demo on our Xbox 360.  I am generally hesitant of movie adaptations, but Lindsey had seen some gameplay footage, and I had read a great deal about the game, so we felt it would be a fun, free demo.  I gave it a shot on Sunday night, and was immediately impressed by the graphics.  The introductory FMV does a good job of introducing the characte...[Read More]

Grand Slam Tennis – Wii

Viewing Review – Before I go into my review for Grand Slam Tennis, I want to let you guys and gals know that I am not too keen on sports games. I have never been athletically inclined, and I’ve found most sports to be boring. Tennis is a sport that I would never play in real life. I’m just too lazy to run back and forth on the court just to hit a ball, so that brings me to video ...[Read More]

Xbox 360 Elite

Yesterday, we joined the ranks of Xbox 360 owners.  Even more exclusively, we are a proud owner of an Xbox 360 Elite console.  We received it as a joint birthday gift yesterday from my mother (Lindsey’s birthday is tomorrow, mine is in October).  As an added gift, Chris & Kelly purchased The Orange Box for Lindsey’s birthday.  To complete our day, we rounded up all of the games we ...[Read More]

WoW, Just WoW Pt. 2

Some of you might remember my post from 6 days ago about the kid freaking out that his Mom cancelled his World of Warcraft account. Apparently it wasn’t, but that just means we are given the opportunity to laugh some more at this sad kid and his addiction to WoW. This morning I get up, get on AIM, and Chris  sends me a link to this wonderful gem on Youtube…. youtube::WWBfLOZ2CjQ:: I wi...[Read More]


Today I was bored and felt like playing something fun. I remembered some people on Twitter telling me about Steam and how you can download free demos. You guys have probably figured out by now that I love free stuff, so if I could entertain myself and pass the time for free… you bet your sweet ass I was going to. So I went to the Steam website and came across a demo I found interesting. Afte...[Read More]

WoW, just WoW

Normally I don’t look at links that are posted on Twitter, but when I saw a recent post from Ashton Kutcher about a kid having a love for World of Warcraft… my curiosity was intrigued. At first I thought that it was going to be just another video of some poor kid sitting in front of his computer, getting his jollies off to a female WoW character. What I got was far better than I could&...[Read More]

Dead Rising: Chop Til’ You Drop – Wii

I love zombie games. I love zombie movies. I would go so far as to say that you can all start calling me Zombzi. That’s how much I love seeing those mindless, undead creatures get their heads ripped off. A few days ago we rented, from Blockbuster, a copy of Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop for the Wii. I’ve been wanting to play a version of Dead Rising for ages, and since we lack a 360 r...[Read More]

Mario Party 8 – Wii

I can’t remember if we’ve made a blog discussing Mario Party 8 for the Wii, but if we have… great. It’s a little after 8 in the morning and frankly I can’t be bothered to search through the archives 🙂 Chris and I have owned Mario Party 8 since February, and last night was the 2nd time we’ve played it. It’s a great game with a lot of mini-games so our lack ...[Read More]

Wii Love You

For the past few days, I’ve been feeling an urge to get back and play Wii Fit. It’s been awhile and I’m normally a really lazy person so I don’t know why I felt like sweating, being sore, and making an ass out of myself. I was going to play it back on Tuesday, but Chris came home from work early so I didn’t bother with it. Today, however, was a different story. As the...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 14

Progress Update 14 starts me off with another postcard from Luigi, claiming to have found another star in an early level!  I remember the area as part of the first time I encountered the Bee Mario mushroom, so I headed over to the Honeyhive Galaxy for an easy star and a ridiculous number of star bits!  I decided at this point to try the Trial Galaxies opened up by the Green Sling Star I had restor...[Read More]


17 years ago, the world was given Mortal Kombat; a video game that was partially responsible for the creation of the ESRB due to high levels of violence, blood, and gore.  Needless to say, it was a hit.  However, no game is perfect for its entire target audience, not even Mortal Kombat.  The question remains; how can the remaining target demographic be captured by the series?  It’s all a mat...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 13

Going into Progress Update 13, I’ve already completed two of the five galaxies in the Bedroom Observatory.  The next one up is the Dusty Dune Galaxy which, at first look, seems to be a full desert galaxy.  Almost immediately, I met up with an old friend: Dry Bones!  After passing him by, I encountered a pair of tornadoes.  When I jumped in, it launched me into a helicopter spin that hovered ...[Read More]

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