After playing some Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy with Lindsey, she headed off, and I started up Super Mario Galaxy! I headed back into the Bedroom Observatory, and noticed that the Freezeflame Galaxy had a Cosmic Comet in orbit! I jumped in and got ready to race! One quick dash later, I have another star. I headed back into the Freeflame Galaxy for the third official star. This star...[Read More]
Progress update 11 is here! As soon as I started my play file, I noticed that one of the toadstools had a mail icon, meaning I had a message. I retrieved a letter from Luigi, who was informing me that he had found a new star in one of my previous galaxies. He included a snapshot of the location so that I could figure out what galaxy he was in. I also received a letter from Princess Peach, whic...[Read More]
One month since progress update 9 has passed, and we have finally arrived at progress update 10! I finally sat down and put Super Mario Galaxy back into the Wii. Last time I checked in, I had completed three full observatories, and was looking forward to entering into the fourth observatory, the Bedroom Observatory. The Bedroom Observatory, as I mentioned in progress update 9, differs from the ...[Read More]
Last week, I finally had the chance to play through Fable on the Xbox. I remember looking forward to this game with great anticipation when it was first announced, but never having the chance to give it a try. Last week, in a used game store, we saw a clean copy for 7.99, and picked it up fairly quickly. We got home, and I started my life in Albion. The controls were fantastic. I had no proble...[Read More]
Wow, we’ve really fallen behind on our posting. Sorry about that, but it couldn’t be helped. I needed a bit of a break from having to think of something every single day. Hopefully I’m ready to get back into the swing of things! A few weeks ago, during one of our MehCast episodes, we discussed my broken Dreamcast console and how I truly missed it. One of our amazing viewers, ...[Read More]
Almost 12 years have passed since the sequel to Duke Nukem 3D was announced by 3D Realms. 12 long years of screenshots, development updates, and interminable delays. Duke Nukem Forever has become a vaporware legend for it’s 12 year development period with no playable demo or beta release, and every-few-years screenshot releases. It seems that the delays may be over, albeit not in the way ...[Read More]
Starting Friday morning, at 12:01am GMT (this afternoon at 4:01pm PST / 7:01pm EST), Steam is offering a free 24 hour trial of the PC version of Left 4 Dead. It’s a great opportunity to try out a (as I’ve heard tell) fantastic zombie survival game without any obligation or cost. It’s a great offer, so take advantage of it while it’s available!
A much shorter gap between 8 and 9 than 7 and 8! Going into Progress Update 9, I had 1 star remaining (that I know of) before the Kitchen Observatory’s Bowser battle. I jumped back into the Ghostly Galaxy for the final star. This level introduced me to the Bomb Boos, black ghosts that would explode when spun into an object. Mastering spinning the ghosts where you want is the only way to ...[Read More]
Late last year, Lindsey and I came across an amazing video on YouTube showing Shao Kahn’s creepy perverted side near the end of a match between Sub-Zero and Liu Kang. Poor Subby Wubby. He shouldn’t have to put up with that kind of harassment. youtube::hWOYt-TYmII:: -Because I said so
Never fear, I haven’t given up on this game quite yet! Life has been good at keeping me away from it for the past couple of weeks, but no longer! Progress update 8 finds me back in the Kitchen Observatory, collecting more stars! Having completed all but one galaxy in the Kitchen Observatory (other than the Bowser Galaxy), I turn my attention to the Ghostly Galaxy’s first star, ̶...[Read More]
I never played Halo 2 very often. I’m not particularly brilliant at it, and never have been. I’m getting better, but it’s a slow process. Lindsey, on the other hand, is a fiend. She was very well known on Xbox Live, and was a very skilled player. She gave it up for a couple of years, but a few nights ago, the urge to play hit her hard, and we found ourselves playing Halo 2 o...[Read More]