I feel so naughty because I didn’t write this blog sooner, but better late than never! Last Sunday, Chris and Kelly of The Married Gamers came over to our apartment for lunch and to record a podcast. We had a lot of fun. It was really similar to what we do on our MehCasts but with better equipment lol! Like we’ve said before on our show, we have very low production quality but we are o...[Read More]
If anyone has ever played any iteration of the Mario Kart series, then you know that the CPU controlled competitors start getting extremely cheap near the end of races. Mario Kart Wii is no different than previous releases in the series. It introduces motorbikes as vehicles, with the 50cc races being confined to karts, 100cc confined to motorbikes, and 150cc offering a choice. While I experience...[Read More]
Well, we started the week without really meaning to talk about the Wii every day, but it happened, so we decided to call it our Wii Week. It was an interesting week filled with highs and lows. On the one hand, we paid off a few house expansions in Animal Crossing, and I fucking RULE at Mario Kart, but on the other hand, Francine is a dirty bitch who robbed me blind. I really fucking hate Francin...[Read More]
Wednesday night, I went on a fishing bonanza, filling my Animal Crossing house with fish to sell the next day in one big selling run. Last night, a little while after I got home, I made my sales, getting myself up to over 85,000 bells (Animal Crossing currency), a hefty sum indeed. I continued fishing, wanting to break the 100,000 mark, when I came across one of my town’s residents. Franc...[Read More]
Our new Wii does not come without consequences. Since we purchased our Wii, our apartment has gone to hell. We moved our coffee table to place the Wii Fit Balance Board down. We have dishes from LAST THURSDAY still sitting in the sink (I finally washed some yesterday and set some others in hot water to soak). We have empty snack bags (and some not so empty snack bags) littering the floor aroun...[Read More]
Well, since Monday was heavily focused on the Wii, and Tuesday documented a Wii-related experience, I figured we might as well make it Wii Week and run three more days of Wii blog posts. I bet you’re all excited about that! Lindsey and I have been playing a lot of Animal Crossing: City Folk since we got it. It is the most played game we own now. When we got it, I figured that would be her...[Read More]
Yesterday I mentioned that we had rented a couple of games for our new Wii from Blockbuster on Sunday night (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and De Blob). What I failed to mention was that we had intended to rent two additional games (Cooking Mama: World Kitchen, and Spongebob’s Atlantis Squarepants), but decided, at the last minute, to refrain. Why, do you ask? $8.99 each. That’s why....[Read More]
On Friday the 13th, Lindsey and I became the proud new owners of a Nintendo Wii system, along with Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, Animal Crossing: City Folk (with Wii Speak), and some accessories. Needless to say, our weekend was very productive. Very productive. We have both been playing mostly Animal Crossing. She has played this game in depth on multiple sy...[Read More]
Today was Valentine’s Day. It was the second Valentine’s Day that Lindsey and I have had, and the first since we moved in together and since we became engaged. The first thing we did was get breakfast. Sorry, let me correct that. The first thing I did was get breakfast. The first thing Lindsey did was play Animal Crossing: City Folk on our new Wii. After eating breakfast, we cont...[Read More]
Sweetie, you are unequivocally, undeniably, and unbelievably full of shit. Internet friends, allow me to enlighten you as to Lindsey’s definition of “cheating” at Trivial Pursuit. Verbally commanding the game to provide me with a particular dice roll (and, interestingly enough, the game providing me with the requested dice roll more often than not) is the apex of my cheating way...[Read More]
After jamming to Guitar Hero: World Tour and loving how my throat hurt after doing my best rendition of Pat Benetar’s “Heartbreaker,” the gang and I decided to put Trivial Pursuit in my XBOX. I know some of you might be thinking that a board game played on a console must suck, and those thoughts would be correct. Chris was blatantly cheating, although he would say otherwise, and ...[Read More]