Earlier today, Nintendo finally revealed their next console, the Nintendo Switch 2. During the short two-and-a-half-minute trailer, a glimpse at the latest entry in the Mario Kart franchise was briefly shown. While there has been no official title yet to be confirmed, the game visually looks very different from its predecessor, Mario Kart 8. It is safe to assume this next entry is not another port...[Read More]
Forever Entertainment has announced a new partnership with Nintendo of Japan. Coming hot off the heals of high-profile announcements and releases, such as Panzer Dragoon and the remake of House of The Dead, Forever Entertainment is poised to expand to grow and bring more Polish talent to the Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo’s eShop is already filled with a ton of great games. This week’s Nintendo Download features 18 games hitting the eShop, as well as an all-new event in Tetris 99!
Early this morning, Monster Hunter, as part of a update to their new game Monster Hunter Rise, had a twenty-minute live stream that showed off new gameplay, monsters, locales, and more.
Nintendo’s back, with their regularly scheduled Nintendo Download. Your one-stop to all the new games soon to be hitting the Nintendo eShop!
My personal favorite series of all time, Super Mario, is celebrating it’s 35 year anniversary! Back on September 3rd, Nintendo revealed a ton of new Mario merchandise, during it’s “Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary Direct“. Some of these announcements include the already released Super Mario 3D All-Stars, a Mario themed Game & Watch handheld, and a Switch port of Super...[Read More]
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has truly proven to be the biggest entry in the series. Ultimate’s roster is currently sitting at 69, in addition to 7 downloadable characters. With Arm’s Min Min releasing this past June, many are eager for the next playable fighter. Fortunately, fans don’t have long to wait. Nintendo confirmed this morning on their official Twitter, that a new DLC fig...[Read More]
Just the other day we got our first look at the long-rumored “lite” version of the current Nintendo Switch system, appropriately titled the Nintendo Switch Lite. Nintendo has a habit of providing us with minimal details at first and then going into more detail at a later date. Surprisingly, we got essentially all the information we could have possibly needed all at once for the Nintend...[Read More]
Gearbox is definitely the hot topic in the gaming industry right now. With the recent news that their PAX East panel would contain surprises and reveals, the fans went absolutely nuts with speculation. With a recent Tweet, it basically confirmed a Borderlands 3 announcement. However, gamers are confused by the latest update on Thursday afternoon, which shows a cell-shaded image of Maya, a Borderla...[Read More]
Swedish developers Image & Form and Zoink have announced that they will be merging. The newly combined company will be called Thunderful, and instantly becomes one of the major players in the European game development community.
Late-breaking news from the official PAX Twitter feed and Major League Soccer on Friday night: the eMLS league, a collaboration between the MLS and EA Sports, will play their inaugural eMLS Cup event at this year’s PAX East.
Some games demand sequels. Others require them, and for some, it’s just the natural progression of things. Then there’s Gal*Gun: Double Peace. Why fans were demanding a sequel to the PS4 exclusive shooter based around exorcising demons from high-school girls by blasting off their clothing with a pheromone gun, this writer isn’t sure, but apparently they were in sufficient quantit...[Read More]