Think you got what it takes to compete with some of the best Killer Instinct players out there? is heading your way with the Killer Instinct: Kross Up, a FREE tournament featuring some of the top KI pros. Here’s the details from the official press announcement.
2016 has been a year of ups and downs. Luckily for those into games, it has been mostly positive, with some of the most anticipated titles finally releasing and some surprises along the way. Here at Marooners’ Rock, we’ve been bringing some great content all year long. We’ve covered some awesome events like PAX East and got to spread the word of some underdog hits.
Cease and desist. It’s a legal action that has become the easiest way to bring fans’ spirit down and end projects that are showing promise. Many games, mostly fan games, which take a creative license to make something new or some sort of tribute, have fallen to these two words. Lately, some of the best fan games to ever be made have been given this treatment, of which the developers ar...[Read More]
On December 13th, developer Playtonic Games released their trailer for the new open-world platformer Yooka-Laylee. In this trailer, we get a glimpse at the Capital Cashino world and some of the gameplay elements that will be in this new release. At the end of the trailer it was then revealed that Yooka-Laylee will be launched on April 11th, 2017. The game will be available for PC, Xbox One and Pla...[Read More]
As of today on PS4 and Xbox One, you can download the open beta to Trion Worlds‘ MMO adventure game, Trove. Originally launched on PC and Mac in 2015, Trove invites players to a sprawling world of action, role-playing, creativity, and exploration. With a player base of almost 5 million, players have had a blast with their friends in procedurally generated worlds that are completely destructi...[Read More]
Retro gaming fans. Ever sit at the desk, plodding through a term paper on a dull keyboard? How about playing old school games and needing that satisfying click? Well, I can’t say that I ever looked at my own keyboard and needed it to look nice next to my Super Nintendo, but now it’s totally possible with Hyperkin’s Hyper Clack Tactile Mechanical Keyboard. Now you can learn to typ...[Read More]
Do you feel like escaping the normalities of everyday life? Have you always wanted to be an astronaut and explore the deep regions of space? Well then you are in luck because Rocket League’s Starbase Arc update is out now.
Ubisoft’s upcoming South Park game, the hilariously titled “The Fractured but Whole” has a new trailer today!
Final Fantasy is no doubt one of my favorite video game franchises of all time, as I grew to love the PlayStation with the franchise. Each game is essentially a conglomeration of world cultures, envisioned under a Japanese lens, often resulting in unique interpretations of these world characters and stories. Next year, Square Enix will be celebrating 30 years of Final Fantasy games and media. If t...[Read More]
Rumors are beginning to swell at the possibility of the anticipated Final Fantasy VII remake releasing in 2017. These rumors come from a collective post on VGLeaks, which details a massive celebration of the franchise’s 30th Anniversary that we’ll go into more detail later. Either way, the mere fact that this source was able to detail so many games and collections is astonishing and le...[Read More]
Resident Evil has always been at the forefront of horror since its debut as the first survival horror game, or at least the first to use the phrase. The last few entries in the main series have been lackluster to say the least, shying away from its horror roots in favor of action scenes, quick time events, and watering down favorite characters. For Resident Evil 7, all of that is going out the win...[Read More]
The rumors were true once again! I’m sure many companies are sniffing out these moles, but they certainly keep us journalists happy with all these secrets! Either way, Marvel VS Capcom is coming back in a big way with Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite, showing off four characters in a flashy trailer. A brief gameplay trailer was shown off as well.